Laurence D Marks
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Cited by
An Augmented Plane Wave + Local Orbitals Program for Calculating Crystal Properties
P Blaha, K Schwarz, GKH Madsen, D Kvasnicka, J Luitz, R Laskowsji, ...
Techn. Universitat Wien, Austria, 2018
WIEN2k: An APW+ lo program for calculating the properties of solids
P Blaha, K Schwarz, F Tran, R Laskowski, GKH Madsen, LD Marks
The Journal of chemical physics 152 (7), 2020
Identification of active sites in CO oxidation and water-gas shift over supported Pt catalysts
K Ding, A Gulec, AM Johnson, NM Schweitzer, GD Stucky, LD Marks, ...
science 350 (6257), 189-192, 2015
Experimental studies of small particle structures
LD Marks
Reports on progress in physics 57 (6), 603, 1994
Probing the structure of single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman scattering hot spots
JP Camden, JA Dieringer, Y Wang, DJ Masiello, LD Marks, GC Schatz, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (38), 12616-12617, 2008
Surface structure and energetics of multiply twinned particles
LD Marks
Philosophical Magazine A 49 (1), 81-93, 1984
Three-dimensional imaging of dislocations in a nanoparticle at atomic resolution
CC Chen, C Zhu, ER White, CY Chiu, MC Scott, BC Regan, LD Marks, ...
Nature 496 (7443), 74-77, 2013
The structure and chemistry of the TiO2-rich surface of SrTiO3 (001)
N Erdman, KR Poeppelmeier, M Asta, O Warschkow, DE Ellis, LD Marks
Nature 419 (6902), 55-58, 2002
Unraveling the effects of size, composition, and substrate on the localized surface plasmon resonance frequencies of gold and silver nanocubes: a systematic single-particle …
E Ringe, JM McMahon, K Sohn, C Cobley, Y Xia, J Huang, GC Schatz, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (29), 12511-12516, 2010
Nanoparticle shape, thermodynamics and kinetics
LD Marks, L Peng
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (5), 053001, 2016
Quasimelting and phases of small particles
PM Ajayan, LD Marks
Physical review letters 60 (7), 585, 1988
Single-walled BN nanostructures
E Bengu, LD Marks
Physical review letters 86 (11), 2385, 2001
Elastic strains and the energy balance for multiply twinned particles
A Howie, LD Marks
Philosophical Magazine A 49 (1), 95-109, 1984
A reliable technique to determine the local mechanical properties at the nanoscale for cementitious materials
P Mondal, SP Shah, L Marks
Cement and Concrete Research 37 (10), 1440-1444, 2007
Direct surface imaging in small metal particles
LD Marks, DJ Smith
Nature 303 (5915), 316-317, 1983
Correlated structure and optical property studies of plasmonic nanoparticles
AI Henry, JM Bingham, E Ringe, LD Marks, GC Schatz, RP Van Duyne
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (19), 9291-9305, 2011
Plasmon length: a universal parameter to describe size effects in gold nanoparticles
E Ringe, MR Langille, K Sohn, J Zhang, J Huang, CA Mirkin, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 3 (11), 1479-1483, 2012
Experimental evidence for quasimelting in small particles
PM Ajayan, LD Marks
Physical review letters 63 (3), 279, 1989
Graphitic tribological layers in metal-on-metal hip replacements
Y Liao, R Pourzal, MA Wimmer, JJ Jacobs, A Fischer, LD Marks
Science 334 (6063), 1687-1690, 2011
Comparative study of the effects of microsilica and nanosilica in concrete
P Mondal, SP Shah, LD Marks, JJ Gaitero
Transportation Research Record 2141 (1), 6-9, 2010
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Articles 1–20