Vincent H Hammond
Vincent H Hammond
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Development of high performance lightweight aluminum alloy/SiC hollow sphere syntactic foams and compressive characterization at quasi-static and high strain rates
DD Luong, OM Strbik III, VH Hammond, N Gupta, K Cho
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 550, 412-422, 2013
Effect of grain size on prismatic slip in Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy
SM Razavi, DC Foley, I Karaman, KT Hartwig, O Duygulu, LJ Kecskes, ...
Scripta Materialia 67 (5), 439-442, 2012
Grain refinement and mechanical properties of CP-Ti processed by warm accumulative roll bonding
JL Milner, F Abu-Farha, C Bunget, T Kurfess, VH Hammond
Materials Science and Engineering: A 561, 109-117, 2012
Equal-channel angular extrusion of a low-density high-entropy alloy produced by high-energy cryogenic mechanical alloying
VH Hammond, MA Atwater, KA Darling, HQ Nguyen, LJ Kecskes
Jom 66, 2021-2029, 2014
The effects of fluid type and viscosity on the steady-state and advancing front permeability behavior of textile preforms
VH Hammond, AC Loos
Journal of reinforced plastics and composites 16 (1), 50-72, 1997
Method for manufacturing titanium alloy wire with enhanced properties
W Hanusiak, J Fields, V Hammond, R Grabow
US Patent App. 10/895,885, 2006
Structural relaxation in a bulk metallic glass
VH Hammond, MD Houtz, JM O’Reilly
Journal of non-crystalline solids 325 (1-3), 179-186, 2003
Binder jetting additive manufacturing of copper foam structures
H Miyanaji, D Ma, MA Atwater, KA Darling, VH Hammond, CB Williams
Additive Manufacturing 32, 100960, 2020
In Situ Nondestructive Fatigue‐Life Prediction of Additive Manufactured Parts by Establishing a Process–Defect–Property Relationship
SH Seifi, A Yadollahi, W Tian, H Doude, VH Hammond, L Bian
Advanced Intelligent Systems 3 (12), 2000268, 2021
Modeling tensile strength of materials processed by accumulative roll bonding
JL Milner, C Bunget, F Abu-Farha, T Kurfess, VH Hammond
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 15, 219-226, 2013
The influence of a process interruption on tensile properties of AlSi10Mg samples produced by selective laser melting
V Hammond, M Schuch, M Bleckmann
Rapid Prototyping Journal 25 (8), 1442-1452, 2019
Effects of induced shear deformation on microstructure and texture evolution in CP-Ti rolled sheets
JL Milner, F Abu-Farha, T Kurfess, VH Hammond
Materials Science and Engineering: A 619, 12-25, 2014
An insight into machining of thermally stable bulk nanocrystalline metals
VH Hammond, TL Luckenbaugh, M Aniska, DM Gray, JA Smeltzer, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (12), 1800405, 2018
Comparing the creep response of alumina tows and single filaments
VH Hammond, DM Elzey
Scripta materialia 46 (4), 287-291, 2002
Effects of build interruption and restart procedure on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusion Al-Si-10Mg
RM Stokes, A Yadollahi, MW Priddy, L Bian, VH Hammond, HR Doude
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 32 (4), 1576-1588, 2023
The influence of selected ECAP-processing routes on the material properties of Magnesium Elektron 675
M Bleckmann, M Eichhorst, M Schuch, W Kreuzer, VH Hammond, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 660, 108-117, 2016
The effect of rolling on the microstructure and compression behavior of AA5083 subjected to large-scale ECAE
J Shen, X Chen, V Hammond, LJ Kecskes, SN Mathaudhu, K Kondoh, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695, 3589-3597, 2017
Verification of a two-dimensional infiltration model for the resin transfer molding process
VH Hammond, AC Loos, HB Dexter, GH Hasko
Effect of constrained inter-granular regions on the inverse Hall-petch phenomena
KA Darling, BC Hornbuckle, CJ Marvel, VH Hammond, K Solanki
Materials Science and Engineering: A 875, 145125, 2023
Ultrahigh-strength magnesium alloys for the future force: a final report on the 5-year mission program, 2009–2013
V Hammond, S Mauthaudhu, K Doherty, S Walsh, L Vargas, B Placzankis, ...
Army Research Lab Aberdeen Proving Ground Md Weapons And Materials Research, 2014
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Articles 1–20