John Cullen
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Cited by
The organizational bases of ethical work climates
B Victor, JB Cullen
Administrative science quarterly, 101-125, 1988
Continuities and extensions of ethical climate theory: A meta-analytic review
KD Martin, JB Cullen
Journal of business ethics 69, 175-194, 2006
A theory and measure of ethical climate in organizations
B Victor
Business ethics: research issues and empirical studies/JAI Press, 1987
The effects of ethical climates on organizational commitment: A two-study analysis
JB Cullen, KP Parboteeah, B Victor
Journal of business ethics 46, 127-141, 2003
Success through commitment and trust: The soft side of strategic alliance management
JB Cullen, JL Johnson, T Sakano
Journal of world business 35 (3), 223-240, 2000
The ethical climate questionnaire: An assessment of its development and validity
JB Cullen, B Victor, JW Bronson
Psychological reports 73 (2), 667-674, 1993
Setting the stage for trust and strategic integration in Japanese-US cooperative alliances
JL Johnson, JB Cullen, T Sakano, H Takenouchi
Journal of international business studies 27, 981-1004, 1996
Multinational management: A strategic approach
JB Cullen, KP Parboteeah
South-Western Thomson Learning, 2002
Deciding to bribe: A cross-level analysis of firm and home country influences on bribery activity
KD Martin, JB Cullen, JL Johnson, KP Parboteeah
Academy of Management Journal 50 (6), 1401-1422, 2007
An ethical weather report: Assessing the organization's ethical climate
JB Cullen, B Victor, C Stephens
Organizational dynamics 18 (2), 50-62, 1989
Japanese and local partners commitment to IJVs: Psychological consequences of outcomes and investments in the IJV relationships
JB Cullen, JL Johnson, T Sakano
Journal of International Business Studies 26, 91-115, 1995
Cross-national differences in managers' willingness to justify ethically suspect behaviors: A test of institutional anomie theory
JB Cullen, KP Parboteeah, M Hoegl
Academy of Management Journal 47 (3), 411-421, 2004
Ethics and religion: An empirical test of a multidimensional model
KP Parboteeah, M Hoegl, JB Cullen
Journal of business ethics 80, 387-398, 2008
Attribution, salience, and attitudes toward criminal sanctioning
FT Cullen, GA Clark, JB Cullen, RA Mathers
Criminal Justice and Behavior 12 (3), 305-331, 1985
Ethical climates and their effects on organizational outcomes: Implications from the past and prophecies for the future
A Simha, JB Cullen
Academy of management perspectives 26 (4), 20-34, 2012
Dropout in Higher Education: A Review and Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research.
V Tinto, J Cullen
Religious groups and work values: A focus on Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam
KP Parboteeah, Y Paik, JB Cullen
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 9 (1), 51-67, 2009
Administrative reorganization and configurational context: The contingent effects of age, size, and change in size
DD Baker, JB Cullen
Academy of Management Journal 36 (6), 1251-1277, 1993
Formal volunteering: A cross-national test
KP Parboteeah, JB Cullen, L Lim
Journal of world business 39 (4), 431-441, 2004
The three pillars of institutional theory and FDI in Latin America: An institutionalization process
LJ Trevino, DE Thomas, J Cullen
International Business Review 17 (1), 118-133, 2008
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