Georgii A Bazykin
Georgii A Bazykin
Visiting Professor, Emory University
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Genomic evidence for ameiotic evolution in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga
JF Flot, B Hespeels, X Li, B Noel, I Arkhipova, EGJ Danchin, A Hejnol, ...
Nature 500 (7463), 453-457, 2013
Prevalence of epistasis in the evolution of influenza A surface proteins
S Kryazhimskiy, J Dushoff, GA Bazykin, JB Plotkin
PLoS genetics 7 (2), e1001301, 2011
APOBEC-induced mutations in human cancers are strongly enriched on the lagging DNA strand during replication
VB Seplyarskiy, RA Soldatov, KY Popadin, SE Antonarakis, GA Bazykin, ...
Genome research 26 (2), 174-182, 2016
Fast Evolution from Precast Bricks: Genomics of Young Freshwater Populations of Threespine Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus
NV Terekhanova, MD Logacheva, AA Penin, TV Neretina, ...
PLoS Genetics 10 (10), e1004696, 2014
Alternative translation start sites are conserved in eukaryotic genomes
GA Bazykin, AV Kochetov
Nucleic acids research 39 (2), 567-577, 2011
Positive selection at sites of multiple amino acid replacements since rat–mouse divergence
GA Bazykin, FA Kondrashov, AY Ogurtsov, S Sunyaev, AS Kondrashov
Nature 429 (6991), 558-562, 2004
SARS-CoV-2 escape from cytotoxic T cells during long-term COVID-19
OV Stanevich, EI Alekseeva, M Sergeeva, AV Fadeev, KS Komissarova, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 149, 2023
Young proteins experience more variable selection pressures than old proteins
A Vishnoi, S Kryazhimskiy, GA Bazykin, S Hannenhalli, JB Plotkin
Genome research 20 (11), 1574-1581, 2010
Genomic epidemiology of the early stages of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Russia
AB Komissarov, KR Safina, SK Garushyants, AV Fadeev, MV Sergeeva, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 649, 2021
Coordinated evolution of influenza A surface proteins
AD Neverov, S Kryazhimskiy, JB Plotkin, GA Bazykin
PLoS Genetics 11 (8), e1005404, 2015
Transcriptome‐based phylogeny of endemic Lake Baikal amphipod species flock: fast speciation accompanied by frequent episodes of positive selection
SA Naumenko, MD Logacheva, NV Popova, AV Klepikova, AA Penin, ...
Molecular ecology 26 (2), 536-553, 2017
Negative selection in humans and fruit flies involves synergistic epistasis
M Sohail, OA Vakhrusheva, JH Sul, SL Pulit, LC Francioli, ...
Science 356 (6337), 539-542, 2017
Genomic perspectives on the emerging SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant
W Ma, J Yang, H Fu, C Su, C Yu, Q Wang, ATR de Vasconcelos, ...
Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 20 (1), 60-69, 2022
Intrasubtype reassortments cause adaptive amino acid replacements in H3N2 influenza genes
AD Neverov, KV Lezhnina, AS Kondrashov, GA Bazykin
PLoS genetics 10 (1), e1004037, 2014
Extensive parallelism in protein evolution
GA Bazykin, FA Kondrashov, M Brudno, A Poliakov, I Dubchak, ...
Biology direct 2, 1-13, 2007
Human mismatch repair system balances mutation rates between strands by removing more mismatches from the lagging strand
MA Andrianova, GA Bazykin, SI Nikolaev, VB Seplyarskiy
Genome research 27 (8), 1336-1343, 2017
Error-prone bypass of DNA lesions during lagging-strand replication is a common source of germline and cancer mutations
VB Seplyarskiy, EE Akkuratov, N Akkuratova, MA Andrianova, SI Nikolaev, ...
Nature genetics 51 (1), 36-41, 2019
Gene age predicts the strength of purifying selection acting on gene expression variation in humans
KY Popadin, M Gutierrez-Arcelus, T Lappalainen, A Buil, J Steinberg, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 95 (6), 660-674, 2014
Genomic signatures of recombination in a natural population of the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga
OA Vakhrusheva, EA Mnatsakanova, YR Galimov, TV Neretina, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 6421, 2020
Extraordinary genetic diversity in a wood decay mushroom
MA Baranova, MD Logacheva, AA Penin, VB Seplyarskiy, YY Safonova, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (10), 2775-2783, 2015
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Articles 1–20