Effect of gas hydrates melting on seafloor slope instability N Sultan, P Cochonat, JP Foucher, J Mienert Marine geology 213 (1-4), 379-401, 2004 | 620 | 2004 |
Slope failure dynamics and impacts from seafloor and shallow sub-seafloor geophysical data: case studies from the COSTA project M Canals, G Lastras, R Urgeles, JL Casamor, J Mienert, A Cattaneo, ... Marine Geology 213 (1-4), 9-72, 2004 | 518 | 2004 |
On the thermal consolidation of Boom clay P Delage, N Sultan, YJ Cui Canadian Geotechnical Journal 37 (2), 343-354, 2000 | 479 | 2000 |
Temperature effects on the volume change behaviour of Boom clay N Sultan, P Delage, YJ Cui Engineering Geology 64 (2-3), 135-145, 2002 | 429 | 2002 |
Triggering mechanisms of slope instability processes and sediment failures on continental margins: a geotechnical approach N Sultan, P Cochonat, M Canals, A Cattaneo, B Dennielou, H Haflidason, ... Marine Geology 213 (1-4), 291-321, 2004 | 421 | 2004 |
A thermomechanical model for saturated clays YJ Cui, N Sultan, P Delage Canadian Geotechnical Journal 37 (3), 607-620, 2000 | 403 | 2000 |
Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in Niger Delta sediments: Implications for authigenic carbonate genesis in cold seep environments G Bayon, C Pierre, J Etoubleau, M Voisset, E Cauquil, T Marsset, N Sultan, ... Marine Geology 241 (1-4), 93-109, 2007 | 211 | 2007 |
The 1979 Nice harbour catastrophe revisited: trigger mechanism inferred from geotechnical measurements and numerical modelling G Dan, N Sultan, B Savoye Marine Geology 245 (1-4), 40-64, 2007 | 207 | 2007 |
Seafloor instabilities and sediment deformation processes: The need for integrated, multi-disciplinary investigations M Vanneste, N Sultan, S Garziglia, CF Forsberg, JS l'Heureux Marine Geology 352, 183-214, 2014 | 176 | 2014 |
Hydrate dissolution as a potential mechanism for pockmark formation in the Niger delta N Sultan, B Marsset, S Ker, T Marsset, M Voisset, AM Vernant, G Bayon, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B8), 2010 | 173 | 2010 |
Sinuous pockmark belt as indicator of a shallow buried turbiditic channel on the lower slope of the Congo Basin, West African Margin A Gay, M Lopez, P Cochonat, N Sultan, E Cauquil, F Brigaud Geological Society, London, Special Publications 216 (1), 173-189, 2003 | 130 | 2003 |
26th December 2004 great Sumatra–Andaman earthquake: Co-seismic and post-seismic motions in northern Sumatra JC Sibuet, C Rangin, X Le Pichon, S Singh, A Cattaneo, D Graindorge, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263 (1-2), 88-103, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
Pockmark formation and evolution in deep water Nigeria: Rapid hydrate growth versus slow hydrate dissolution N Sultan, G Bohrmann, L Ruffine, T Pape, V Riboulot, JL Colliat, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (4), 2679-2694, 2014 | 107 | 2014 |
Sea-level change and free gas occurrence influencing a submarine landslide and pockmark formation and distribution in deepwater Nigeria V Riboulot, A Cattaneo, N Sultan, S Garziglia, S Ker, P Imbert, M Voisset Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375, 78-91, 2013 | 106 | 2013 |
Etude du comportement thermo-mécanique de l'argile de Boom: expériences et modélisation N Sultan THESE DE DOCTORAT PRESENTEE A L'ECOLE NATIONALE DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES …, 1997 | 95 | 1997 |
Geomechanical constitutive modelling of gas-hydrate-bearing sediments N Sultan, S Garziglia The 7th international conference on gas hydrates (ICGH 2011), 2011 | 86 | 2011 |
Analysis of slope failures in submarine canyon heads: an example from the Gulf of Lions N Sultan, M Gaudin, S Berne, M Canals, R Urgeles, S Lafuerza Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 112 (F1), 2007 | 86 | 2007 |
A review of undulated sediment features on Mediterranean prodeltas: distinguishing sediment transport structures from sediment deformation R Urgeles, A Cattaneo, P Puig, C Liquete, B De Mol, D Amblàs, N Sultan, ... Marine Geophysical Research 32, 49-69, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
Detection of free gas and gas hydrate based on 3D seismic data and cone penetration testing: An example from the Nigerian Continental Slope N Sultan, M Voisset, T Marsset, AM Vernant, E Cauquil, JL Colliat, ... Marine geology 240 (1-4), 235-255, 2007 | 83 | 2007 |
Freshwater lake to salt-water sea causing widespread hydrate dissociation in the Black Sea V Riboulot, S Ker, N Sultan, Y Thomas, B Marsset, C Scalabrin, L Ruffine, ... Nature communications 9 (1), 117, 2018 | 81 | 2018 |