Yuanxin Li
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Cited by
Direct Observation of Degenerate Two-Photon Absorption and Its Saturation in WS2 and MoS2 Monolayer and Few-Layer Films
S Zhang, N Dong, N McEvoy, M O’Brien, S Winters, NC Berner, C Yim, ...
ACS nano 9 (7), 7142-7150, 2015
Optical limiting and theoretical modelling of layered transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets
N Dong, Y Li, Y Feng, S Zhang, X Zhang, C Chang, J Fan, L Zhang, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-10, 2015
Giant two‐photon absorption in monolayer MoS2
Y Li, N Dong, S Zhang, X Zhang, Y Feng, K Wang, L Zhang, J Wang
Laser & Photonics Reviews 9 (4), 427-434, 2015
Saturation of two-photon absorption in layered transition metal dichalcogenides: experiment and theory
N Dong, Y Li, S Zhang, N McEvoy, R Gatensby, GS Duesberg, J Wang
ACS Photonics 5 (4), 1558-1565, 2018
Saturable absorption behavior of free-standing graphene polymer composite films over broad wavelength and time ranges
Y Feng, N Dong, G Wang, Y Li, S Zhang, K Wang, L Zhang, WJ Blau, ...
Optics Express 23 (1), 559-569, 2015
Facile fabrication of wafer-scale MoS 2 neat films with enhanced third-order nonlinear optical performance
X Zhang, S Zhang, C Chang, Y Feng, Y Li, N Dong, K Wang, L Zhang, ...
Nanoscale 7 (7), 2978-2986, 2015
Optically Induced Transparency and Extinction in Dispersed MoS2, MoSe2, and Graphene Nanosheets
N Dong, Y Li, S Zhang, X Zhang, J Wang
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (19), 1700543, 2017
Optical identification of layered MoS 2 via the characteristic matrix method
Y Li, N Dong, S Zhang, K Wang, L Zhang, J Wang
Nanoscale 8 (2), 1210-1215, 2016
Fabrication and near-infrared optical responses of 2D periodical Au/ITO nanocomposite arrays
Z Bai, G Tao, Y Li, J He, K Wang, G Wang, X Jiang, J Wang, W Blau, ...
Photonics Research 5 (4), 280-286, 2017
Host matrix effect on the near infrared saturation performance of graphene absorbers
Y Feng, N Dong, Y Li, X Zhang, C Chang, S Zhang, J Wang
Optical Materials Express 5 (4), 802-808, 2015
Inside Cover: MoS2/Carbon Nanotube Core–Shell Nanocomposites for Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Performance (Chem. Eur. J. 14/2017)
X Zhang, A Selkirk, S Zhang, J Huang, Y Li, Y Xie, N Dong, Y Cui, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 23 (14), 3223-3223, 2017
Two-photon absorption in layered transition metal dichalcogenides
N Dong, S Zhang, Y Li, J Wang
Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XX 10529, 7-20, 2018
JX Li, Y Xu, QF Dai, S Lan
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Articles 1–13