Bruno Gayral
Bruno Gayral
Researcher, CEA Grenoble, France
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Enhanced spontaneous emission by quantum boxes in a monolithic optical microcavity
JM Gérard, B Sermage, B Gayral, B Legrand, E Costard, V Thierry-Mieg
Physical review letters 81 (5), 1110, 1998
Strong Purcell effect for InAs quantum boxes in three-dimensional solid-state microcavities
JM Gerard, B Gayral
Journal of lightwave technology 17 (11), 2089, 1999
High-Q wet-etched GaAs microdisks containing InAs quantum boxes
B Gayral, JM Gérard, A Lemaı̂tre, C Dupuis, L Manin, JL Pelouard
Applied physics letters 75 (13), 1908-1910, 1999
Cavity-quantum electrodynamics using a single InAs quantum dot in a microdisk structure
A Kiraz, P Michler, C Becher, B Gayral, A Imamoğlu, L Zhang, E Hu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (25), 3932-3934, 2001
Photon correlation spectroscopy of a single quantum dot
A Kiraz, S Fälth, C Becher, B Gayral, WV Schoenfeld, PM Petroff, L Zhang, ...
Physical Review B 65 (16), 161303, 2002
Growth of GaN free-standing nanowires by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy: structural and optical characterization
M Tchernycheva, C Sartel, G Cirlin, L Travers, G Patriarche, JC Harmand, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (38), 385306, 2007
Structural and optical properties of InGaN/GaN nanowire heterostructures grown by PA-MBE
G Tourbot, C Bougerol, A Grenier, M Den Hertog, D Sam-Giao, D Cooper, ...
Nanotechnology 22 (7), 075601, 2011
LEDs for lighting: Basic physics and prospects for energy savings
B Gayral
Comptes Rendus. Physique 18 (7-8), 453-461, 2017
InAs quantum dots: artificial atoms for solid-state cavity-quantum electrodynamics
JM Gérard, B Gayral
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 9 (1), 131-139, 2001
Evidence for quantum-confined Stark effect in GaN/AlN quantum dots in nanowires
J Renard, R Songmuang, G Tourbot, C Bougerol, B Daudin, B Gayral
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (12), 121305, 2009
Optical study of GaAs/AlAs pillar microcavities with elliptical cross section
B Gayral, JM Gérard, B Legrand, E Costard, V Thierry-Mieg
Applied physics letters 72 (12), 1421-1423, 1998
Exciton and biexciton luminescence from single GaN/AlN quantum dots in nanowires
J Renard, R Songmuang, C Bougerol, B Daudin, B Gayral
Nano letters 8 (7), 2092-2096, 2008
Time-resolved probing of the Purcell effect for InAs quantum boxes in GaAs microdisks
B Gayral, JM Gérard, B Sermage, A Lemaıtre, C Dupuis
Applied Physics Letters 78 (19), 2828-2830, 2001
Submicrometre resolved optical characterization of green nanowire-based light emitting diodes
AL Bavencove, G Tourbot, J Garcia, Y Désières, P Gilet, F Levy, B André, ...
Nanotechnology 22 (34), 345705, 2011
Growth mechanism and properties of InGaN insertions in GaN nanowires
G Tourbot, C Bougerol, F Glas, LF Zagonel, Z Mahfoud, S Meuret, P Gilet, ...
Nanotechnology 23 (13), 135703, 2012
Growth, structural and optical properties of AlGaN nanowires in the whole composition range
A Pierret, C Bougerol, S Murcia-Mascaros, A Cros, H Renevier, B Gayral, ...
Nanotechnology 24 (11), 115704, 2013
Optical properties of GaN quantum dots grown on nonpolar (11-20) SiC by molecular-beam epitaxy
S Founta, F Rol, E Bellet-Amalric, J Bleuse, B Daudin, B Gayral, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (17), 2005
Simulation of waveguiding and emitting properties of semiconductor nanowires with hexagonal or circular sections
AL Henneghien, B Gayral, Y Désières, JM Gérard
JOSA B 26 (12), 2396-2403, 2009
Probing exciton localization in nonpolar quantum dots by single-dot optical spectroscopy
F Rol, S Founta, H Mariette, B Daudin, LS Dang, J Bleuse, D Peyrade, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (12), 125306, 2007
Deep-UV nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers
J Selles, C Brimont, G Cassabois, P Valvin, T Guillet, I Roland, Y Zeng, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 21650, 2016
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Articles 1–20