Marcus D. Hanwell
Marcus D. Hanwell
Build Engineering Manager
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Cited by
Avogadro: an advanced semantic chemical editor, visualization, and analysis platform
MD Hanwell, DE Curtis, DC Lonie, T Vandermeersch, E Zurek, ...
Journal of Cheminformatics 4 (17), 2012
Fabrication of gold micro-and nanostructures by photolithographic exposure of thiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles
S Sun, P Mendes, K Critchley, S Diegoli, M Hanwell, SD Evans, ...
Nano letters 6 (3), 345-350, 2006
Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards in chemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years on
NM O'Boyle, R Guha, EL Willighagen, SE Adams, J Alvarsson, JC Bradley, ...
Journal of Cheminformatics 3, 37, 2011
The Visualization Toolkit (VTK): Rewriting the rendering code for modern graphics cards
MD Hanwell, KM Martin, A Chaudhary, LS Avila
SoftwareX 1, 9-12, 2015
Summary of the first workshop on sustainable software for science: Practice and experiences (WSSSPE1)
DS Katz, SCT Choi, H Lapp, K Maheshwari, F Löffler, M Turk, MD Hanwell, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.7414, 2014
Tutorial on the Visualization of Volumetric Data Using tomviz
BDA Levin, Y Jiang, E Padgett, S Waldon, C Quammen, C Harris, ...
Microscopy Today 26 (1), 12-17, 2018
The Quixote project: Collaborative and Open Quantum Chemistry data management in the Internet age
S Adams, P de Castro, P Echenique, J Estrada, MD Hanwell, ...
Journal of Cheminformatics 3, 38, 2011
The 4D Camera–An 87 kHz Frame-rate Detector for Counted 4D-STEM Experiments
P Ercius, I Johnson, H Brown, P Pelz, SL Hsu, B Draney, E Fong, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 26 (S2), 1896-1897, 2020
Gas and vapour sensing characteristics of Langmuir-Schaeffer thiol encapsulated gold nanoparticle thin films
MD Hanwell, SY Heriot, TH Richardson, N Cowlam, IM Ross
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 284, 379-383, 2006
Charge Transport in Imperfect Organic Field Effect Transistors: Effects of Explicit Defects and Electrostatics†
MD Hanwell, TA Madison, GR Hutchison
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (48), 20417-20423, 2010
Real-time 3D analysis during electron tomography using tomviz
J Schwartz, C Harris, J Pietryga, H Zheng, P Kumar, A Visheratina, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 4458, 2022
Open chemistry: RESTful web APIs, JSON, NWChem and the modern web application
MD Hanwell, WA de Jong, CJ Harris
Journal of cheminformatics 9 (1), 55, 2017
From data to analysis: linking NWChem and Avogadro with the syntax and semantics of Chemical Markup Language.
WA De Jong, AM Walker, MD Hanwell
J. Cheminformatics 5, 25, 2013
Temperature effects on the electrical conductivity of thiol encapsulated gold nanoparticle thin films
NJ Hardy, MD Hanwell, TH Richardson
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 18 (9), 943-949, 2007
Tomviz: Open Source Platform Connecting Image Processing Pipelines to GPU Accelerated 3D Visualization
MD Hanwell, CJ Harris, A Genova, J Schwartz, Y Jiang, R Hovden
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (S2), 408-409, 2019
Open Chemistry, JupyterLab, REST, and quantum chemistry
MD Hanwell, C Harris, A Genova, M Haghighatlari, M El Khatib, P Avery, ...
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 121 (1), e26472, 2020
Cross-Platform Ubiquitous Volume Rendering Using Programmable Shaders in VTK for Scientific and Medical Visualization
A Chaudhary, SJ Jhaveri, A Sanchez, LS Avila, KM Martin, A Vacanti, ...
IEEE computer graphics and applications 39 (1), 26-43, 2019
Building near-real-time processing pipelines with the spark-MPI platform
N Malitsky, A Chaudhary, S Jourdain, M Cowan, P O’Leary, M Hanwell, ...
2017 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS), 1-8, 2017
A hybrid visualization system for molecular models
C Marion, J Pouderoux, J Jomier, S Jourdain, M Hanwell, U Ayachit
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 117-120, 2013
Repeatable and Transferable Processing for Electron Tomography: An Open Platform for Visualization and Reconstruction of 3D Materials
R Hovden, MD Hanwell, U Ayachit, Y Jiang, R Maynard, DA Muller
Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 (S3), 2407-2408, 2015
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Articles 1–20