Yonghoon Moon
Yonghoon Moon
department of chemistry, KAIST
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Cited by
Visible light induced alkene aminopyridylation using N-aminopyridinium salts as bifunctional reagents
Y Moon, B Park, I Kim, G Kang, S Shin, D Kang, MH Baik, S Hong
Nature Communications 10 (1), 4117, 2019
Visible-Light-Enabled Ortho-Selective Aminopyridylation of Alkenes with N-Aminopyridinium Ylides
Y Moon, W Lee, S Hong
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (28), 12420-12429, 2020
Site-selective C–H acylation of pyridinium derivatives by photoredox catalysis
S Jung, H Lee, Y Moon, HY Jung, S Hong
ACS Catalysis 9 (11), 9891-9896, 2019
Visible-Light-Photocatalyzed Synthesis of Phenanthridinones and Quinolinones via Direct Oxidative C–H Amidation
Y Moon, E Jang, S Choi, S Hong
Organic letters 20 (1), 240-243, 2018
Photochemical Carbopyridylation of Alkenes Using N‐Alkenoxypyridinium Salts as Bifunctional Reagents
GR Mathi, Y Jeong, Y Moon, S Hong
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (5), 2049-2054, 2020
Metal-and oxidant-free S–P (O) bond construction via direct coupling of P (O) H with sulfinic acids
Y Moon, Y Moon, H Choi, S Hong
Green Chemistry 19 (4), 1005-1013, 2017
Regioselective C−H Functionalization of Heteroarene N‐Oxides Enabled by a Traceless Nucleophile
GR Mathi, B Kweon, Y Moon, Y Jeong, S Hong
Angewandte Chemie 132 (50), 22864-22872, 2020
Identification of lead small molecule inhibitors of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta using a fragment-linking strategy
J Kim, Y Moon, S Hong
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 26 (23), 5669-5673, 2016
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