María-Eugenia Polo
Cited by
Cited by
Analysis of uncertainty and repeatability of a low-cost 3D laser scanner
ME Polo, ÁM Felicísimo
Sensors 12 (7), 9046-9054, 2012
GEDI elevation accuracy assessment: a case study of southwest Spain
E Quiros, ME Polo, L Fragoso-Campón
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
Estimating the uncertainty of Terrestrial Laser Scanner measurements
ME Polo, ÁM Felicisimo, AG Villanueva, JÁ Martinez-del-Pozo
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 50 (11), 4804-4808, 2012
Positional accuracy analysis of satellite imagery by circular statistics
A Cuartero, AM Felicísimo, ME Polo, A Caro, PG Rodríguez
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 76 (11), 1275-1286, 2010
VecStatGraphs2D, a tool for the analysis of two-dimensional vector data: an example using QuikSCAT Ocean Winds
PG Rodríguez, ME Polo, A Cuartero, ÁM Felicísimo, JC Ruiz-Cuetos
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (5), 921-925, 2013
Recursos abiertos de información geográfica para investigación y documentación científica
E Quirós, ME Polo
Revista Española de Documentación Científica 41 (3), e214-e214, 2018
Three-dimensional models of archaeological objects: from laser scanners to interactive PDF documents
ÁM Felicísimo, ME Polo, JA Peris
Technical briefs in historical archaeology 7, 13-18, 2013
Measurement and control of colour fidelity in scanned 3D models for heritage conservation
ÁM Felicísimo, ME Polo
Journal of Cultural Heritage 56, 159-166, 2022
Study of uncertainty and repeatability in structured-light 3D scanners
ME Polo, A Cuartero, ÁM Felicísimo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.13199, 2019
Full positional accuracy analysis of spatial data by means of circular statistics
ME Polo, ÁM Felicísimo
Transactions in GIS 14 (4), 421-434, 2010
The use of spherical statistics to analyze digital elevation models: An example from LiDAR and ASTER GDEM
A Cuartero, ME Polo, PG Rodriguez, AM Felicisimo, JC Ruiz-Cuetos
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (7), 1200-1204, 2013
Circular statistics applied to the study of the solar radiation potential of rooftops in a medium-sized city
ME Polo, M Pozo, E Quirós
Energies 11 (10), 2813, 2018
3D study of cultural heritage for conservation: reliability of the portable 3D laser scanners
G Durán-Dominguez, A Felicisimo, ME Polo
International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of …, 2014
Metric properties of sundials using 3-D Models from digital photography
ME Polo, JM Vaquero, ÁM Felicísimo
Historical Archaeology 51, 557-562, 2017
Analysis of free image-based modelling systems applied to support topographic measurements
JM Caldera-Cordero, ME Polo
Survey Review 51 (367), 300-309, 2019
Accurate 3D models in both geometry and texture: An archaeological application
ME Polo, ÁM Felicísimo, G Durán-Domínguez
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 27, e00248, 2022
VecStatGraphs3D: Vector analysis using graphical and analytical methods in 3D. R package version 1.6
A Felicísimo, JC Ruiz Cuetos, ME Polo García, A Cuartero, ...
Directional statistics in solar potential of rooftops at three different neighborhoods of a medium size city
ME Polo, M Pozo, E Quirós
Proceedings 2 (20), 1275, 2018
El valor de la imagen: del objeto arqueológico al objeto virtual
ÁM Felicísimo, ME Polo García, A Rodero, T Tortosa
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (España), 2018
Analysis of homogeneity and isotropy of spatial uncertainty by means of GPS kinematic check lines and circular statistics
ÁM Felicísimo, A Cuartero, ME Polo
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy …, 2006
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Articles 1–20