Alberto Fina
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Cited by
Thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes and their polymer nanocomposites: A review
Z Han, A Fina
Progress in polymer science 36 (7), 914-944, 2011
Production and processing of graphene and related materials
C Backes, AM Abdelkader, C Alonso, A Andrieux-Ledier, R Arenal, ...
2D Materials 7 (2), 022001, 2020
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) thermal degradation
A Fina, D Tabuani, F Carniato, A Frache, E Boccaleri, G Camino
Thermochimica Acta 440 (1), 36-42, 2006
Polypropylene–polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) nanocomposites
A Fina, D Tabuani, A Frache, G Camino
Polymer 46 (19), 7855-7866, 2005
Metal functionalized POSS as fire retardants in polypropylene
A Fina, HCL Abbenhuis, D Tabuani, G Camino
Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (10), 2275-2281, 2006
Polylactic acid and polylactic acid-based nanocomposite photooxidation
S Bocchini, K Fukushima, AD Blasio, A Fina, A Frache, F Geobaldo
Biomacromolecules 11 (11), 2919-2926, 2010
Materials engineering for surface-confined flame retardancy
G Malucelli, F Carosio, J Alongi, A Fina, A Frache, G Camino
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 84, 1-20, 2014
POSS-based hybrids by melt/reactive blending
A Fina, O Monticelli, G Camino
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (42), 9297-9305, 2010
Fire retardancy of polymers: new strategies and mechanisms
N Cinausero, B Howell, G Schmaucks, G Marosi, Z Brzozwski, JM Cuesta, ...
The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008
Polypropylene metal functionalised POSS nanocomposites: a study by thermogravimetric analysis
A Fina, HCL Abbenhuis, D Tabuani, A Frache, G Camino
Polymer degradation and stability 91 (5), 1064-1070, 2006
Polypropylene–polysilsesquioxane blends
A Fina, D Tabuani, G Camino
European Polymer Journal 46 (1), 14-23, 2010
Mechanical characterization of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane/polypropylene blends
F Baldi, F Bignotti, A Fina, D Tabuani, T Ricco
Journal of applied polymer science 105 (2), 935-943, 2007
Layer-by-layer assembly of efficient flame retardant coatings based on high aspect ratio graphene oxide and chitosan capable of preventing ignition of PU foam
L Maddalena, F Carosio, J Gomez, G Saracco, A Fina
Polymer Degradation and Stability 152, 1-9, 2018
Effects of nanoclay and fire retardants on fire retardancy of a polymer blend of EVA and LDPE
J Zhang, J Hereid, M Hagen, D Bakirtzis, MA Delichatsios, A Fina, ...
Fire Safety Journal 44 (4), 504-513, 2009
Evaluation of the charge transfer kinetics of spin-coated BiVO4 thin films for sun-driven water photoelectrolysis
S Hernández, G Gerardi, K Bejtka, A Fina, N Russo
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 190, 66-74, 2016
POSS grafting on PPgMA by one-step reactive blending
A Fina, D Tabuani, T Peijs, G Camino
Polymer 50 (1), 218-226, 2009
Polypropylene‐POSS Nanocomposites: Morphology and Crystallization Behaviour
M Pracella, D Chionna, A Fina, D Tabuani, A Frache, G Camino
Macromolecular symposia 234 (1), 59-67, 2006
Efficient gas and water vapor barrier properties of thin poly (lactic acid) packaging films: Functionalization with moisture resistant nafion and clay multilayers
F Carosio, S Colonna, A Fina, G Rydzek, J Hemmerle, L Jierry, P Schaaf, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (19), 5459-5466, 2014
Properties of poly (lactic acid) nanocomposites based on montmorillonite, sepiolite and zirconium phosphonate.
K Fukushima, A Fina, F Geobaldo, A Venturello, G Camino
Express Polymer Letters 6 (11), 2012
Ignition mechanisms in polymers and polymer nanocomposites
A Fina, G Camino
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 22 (7), 1147-1155, 2011
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Articles 1–20