Ben Parker
Ben Parker
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Cited by
Optimal design of experiments on connected units with application to social networks
BM Parker, SG Gilmour, J Schormans
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 66 …, 2017
Measurement of packet loss probability by optimal design of packet probing experiments
BM Parker, SG Gilmour, J Schormans
IET communications 3 (6), 979-991, 2009
The relationship between systemic racism, residential segregation, and racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 deaths in the United States
B Franz, B Parker, A Milner, JH Braddock
Ethnicity & disease 32 (1), 31, 2022
Bayesian optimal design for ordinary differential equation models with application in biological science
AM Overstall, DC Woods, BM Parker
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2019
Increasing throughput in IEEE 802.11 by optimal selection of backoff parameters
BM Parker, JA Schormans, SG Gilmour
IET Networks 4 (1), 21-29, 2015
Optimal block designs for experiments on networks
V Koutra, SG Gilmour, BM Parker
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 70 …, 2021
Likelihood-based assessment of dynamic networks
RG Clegg, B Parker, M Rio
Journal of Complex Networks 4 (4), 517-533, 2016
Optimal design of measurements on queueing systems
BM Parker, S Gilmour, J Schormans, H Maruri-Aguilar
Queueing Systems 79 (3-4), 365-390, 2015
Optimal design of measurements on queueing systems
BM Parker, S Gilmour, J Schormans, H Maruri-Aguilar
Queueing Systems 79 (3-4), 365-390, 2015
Design of Experiments for Categorical Repeated Measurements in Packet Communication Networks
BM Parker, SG Gilmour, J Schormans
The scientific evaluation of music content analysis systems: Valid empirical foundations for future real-world impact
BLT STURM, H Maruri-Aguilar, B Parker, H Grossmann
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2015, 2015
Utility based framework for optimal network measurement
BM Parker, SG Gilmour, J Schormans
IET Networks 4 (1), 10-20, 2015
Design of experiments for packet communication networks
BM Parker
Queen Mary, University of London, 2009
Design of Agricultural Field Experiments Accounting for both Complex Blocking Structures and Network Effects
V Koutra, SG Gilmour, BM Parker, A Mead
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 1-23, 2023
Designs with complex blocking structures and network effects for agricultural field experiments
V Koutra, SG Gilmour, BM Parker, A Mead
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.13425, 2020
A graph-theoretic framework for algorithmic design of experiments
BM Parker, SG Gilmour, V Koutra
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.09582, 2018
Design of Experiments for Social Networks
B Parker
International Conference on Design of Experiments (ICODOE-2011), 2011
Measuring the Internet
BM Parker
Design of Computer Experiments for Packet Communication Networks
BM Parker
Bayesian optimal design for estimating physical parameters of computer models with application to measuring properties of human placentas
A Overstall, D Woods, B Parker
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Articles 1–20