Daniel Mason
Daniel Mason
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Elastic trapping of dislocation loops in cascades in ion-irradiated tungsten foils
DR Mason, X Yi, MA Kirk, SL Dudarev
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (37), 375701, 2014
The treatment of electronic excitations in atomistic models of radiation damage in metals
CP Race, DR Mason, MW Finnis, WMC Foulkes, AP Horsfield, AP Sutton
Reports on Progress in Physics 73 (11), 116501, 2010
Recent advances in modeling and simulation of the exposure and response of tungsten to fusion energy conditions
J Marian, CS Becquart, C Domain, SL Dudarev, MR Gilbert, RJ Kurtz, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092008, 2017
Direct observation of size scaling and elastic interaction between nano-scale defects in collision cascades
X Yi, AE Sand, DR Mason, MA Kirk, SG Roberts, K Nordlund, SL Dudarev
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 110 (3), 36001, 2015
Non-contact measurement of thermal diffusivity in ion-implanted nuclear materials
F Hofmann, DR Mason, JK Eliason, AA Maznev, KA Nelson, SL Dudarev
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-7, 2015
Electron elevator: excitations across the band gap via a dynamical gap state
A Lim, WMC Foulkes, AP Horsfield, DR Mason, A Schleife, EW Draeger, ...
Physical review letters 116 (4), 043201, 2016
A multi-scale model for stresses, strains and swelling of reactor components under irradiation
SL Dudarev, DR Mason, E Tarleton, PW Ma, AE Sand
Nuclear Fusion 58 (12), 126002, 2018
Cascade fragmentation: deviation from power law in primary radiation damage
AE Sand, DR Mason, A De Backer, X Yi, SL Dudarev, K Nordlund
Materials Research Letters 5 (5), 357-363, 2017
An empirical potential for simulating vacancy clusters in tungsten
DR Mason, D Nguyen-Manh, CS Becquart
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (50), 505501, 2017
Multiscale modelling of the interaction of hydrogen with interstitial defects and dislocations in BCC tungsten
A De Backer, DR Mason, C Domain, D Nguyen-Manh, MC Marinica, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (1), 016006, 2017
Perspectives on multiscale modelling and experiments to accelerate materials development for fusion
MR Gilbert, K Arakawa, Z Bergstrom, MJ Caturla, SL Dudarev, F Gao, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 554, 153113, 2021
Electronic damping of atomic dynamics in irradiation damage of metals
DR Mason, J Le Page, CP Race, WMC Foulkes, MW Finnis, AP Sutton
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (43), 436209, 2007
Stochastic kinetic Monte Carlo algorithms for long-range Hamiltonians
DR Mason, RE Rudd, AP Sutton
Computer physics communications 160 (2), 140-157, 2004
Parameter-free quantitative simulation of high-dose microstructure and hydrogen retention in ion-irradiated tungsten
DR Mason, F Granberg, M Boleininger, T Schwarz-Selinger, K Nordlund, ...
Physical Review Materials 5 (9), 095403, 2021
How good is damped molecular dynamics as a method to simulate radiation damage in metals?
J Le Page, DR Mason, CP Race, WMC Foulkes
New Journal of Physics 11 (1), 013004, 2009
Observation of Transient and Asymptotic Driven Structural States of Tungsten Exposed to Radiation
DR Mason, S Das, PM Derlet, SL Dudarev, AJ London, H Yu, NW Phillips, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (22), 225503, 2020
Relaxation volumes of microscopic and mesoscopic irradiation-induced defects in tungsten
DR Mason, D Nguyen-Manh, MC Marinica, R Alexander, AE Sand, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (7), 075112, 2019
Electronic excitations and their effect on the interionic forces in simulations of radiation damage in metals
CP Race, DR Mason, AP Sutton
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (11), 115702, 2009
Modelling non-adiabatic processes using correlated electron-ion dynamics
EJ McEniry, Y Wang, D Dundas, TN Todorov, L Stella, RP Miranda, ...
The European Physical Journal B 77 (3), 305-329, 2010
Direct observation of the spatial distribution of primary cascade damage in tungsten
DR Mason, AE Sand, X Yi, SL Dudarev
Acta Materialia 144, 905-917, 2018
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Articles 1–20