Ricardo Rodríguez-Estrella
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Raptors as indicators of environmental change in the scrub habitat of Baja California Sur, Mexico
R Rodríguez-Estrella, JA Donázar, F Hiraldo
Conservation Biology 12 (4), 921-925, 1998
Ecological, morphological and phylogenetic correlates of interspecific variation in plasma carotenoid concentration in birds
JL Tella, J Figuerola, JJ Negro, G Blanco, R Rodríguez‐Estrella, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17 (1), 156-164, 2004
Land use changes affect distributional patterns of desert birds in the Baja California peninsula, Mexico
R Rodríguez‐Estrella
Diversity and distributions 13 (6), 877-889, 2007
Conservation of the burrowing owl in western North America: issues, challenges, and recommendations
GL Holroyd, R Rodríguez-Estrella, SR Sheffield
Journal of Raptor Research 35 (4), 399-407, 2001
Recruitment in long-lived birds: conceptual framework and behavioural mechanisms
E Danchin, B Cadiou, JY Monnat, R Rodríguez Estrella
Proceedings of the International Ornithological Congress 20, 1641-1656, 1991
Escape Behavior and Predation Risk of Mainland and Island Spiny‐tailed Iguanas (Ctenosaura hemilopha)
MC Blázquez, R Rodríguez‐Estrella, M Delibes
Ethology 103 (12), 990-998, 1997
Los oasis de la península de Baja California
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, SC, 1997
Seasonal food habits of bobcats (Lynx rufus) in subtropical Baja California Sur, Mexico
M Delibes, SC Zapata, MC Blázquez, R Rodríguez-Estrella
Canadian Journal of Zoology 75 (3), 478-483, 1997
A comparison of spectrophotometry and color charts for evaluating total plasma carotenoids in wild birds
JL Tella, JJ Negro, MG Forero, F Hiraldo, MC Blazquez, ...
Physiological Zoology 71 (6), 708-711, 1998
Comparative food habits of Eagle Owl Bubo bubo and Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus in six Paleartic and Neartic Biomes
Donázar, J.A., F. Hiraldo, M. Delibes, R.Estrella
Ornis Scandinavica 20, 298-306, 1989
Localized extinction of an arboreal desert lizard caused by habitat fragmentation
A Munguia-Vega, R Rodriguez-Estrella, WW Shaw, M Culver
Biological Conservation 157, 11-20, 2013
Predation by feral cats on birds at Isla Socorro Mexico
R Rodríguez-Estrella, G Arnaud, S Alvarez
Western Birds 22, 141-143, 1991
Results and evaluation of the first study of organochlorine contaminants (PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs and DDTs), heavy metals and metalloids in birds from Baja California, México
B Jimenez, R Rodríguez-Estrella, R Merino, G Gómez, L Rivera, ...
Environmental Pollution 133 (1), 139-146, 2005
Albinism in the crested caracara and other raptors in Baja California Sur, México
R Tinajero, R Rodríguez-Estrella
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (4), 325-328, 2010
Rapid postglacial diversification and long‐term stasis within the songbird genus Junco: phylogeographic and phylogenomic evidence
G Friis, P Aleixandre, R Rodríguez‐Estrella, AG Navarro‐Sigüenza, ...
Molecular Ecology 25 (24), 6175-6195, 2016
Dieta estacional del coyote Canis latrans durante el periodo 1996-1997 en el desierto de vizcaíno, Baja California sur, México
KM GRAJALES-TAM, R Rodríguez-Estrella, J Cancino-Hernández
Acta Zoológica Mexicana 89, 17-28, 2003
The invasive bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus in oases of Baja California Sur, Mexico: potential effects in a fragile ecosystem
VH Luja, R Rodríguez-Estrella
Biological invasions 12, 2979-2983, 2010
How rare species conservation management can be strengthened with the use of ecological niche modelling: The case for endangered endemic Gundlach’s Hawk and Cuban Black-Hawk
Y Ferrer-Sánchez, R Rodríguez-Estrella
Global Ecology and Conservation 5, 88-99, 2016
A survey of Golden Eagles in Northern Mexico in 1984 and recent records in central and southern Baja California Peninsula
R Rodriguez-Estrella
Journal of Raptor Research 36 (5), 3, 2002
Crested Caracara food habits in the cape region of Baja California, Mexico
R RodriguezEstrella, LBR RodrÍguez
Journal of Raptor Research 31 (3), 228-233, 1997
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