Anaberta Cardador Martínez
Anaberta Cardador Martínez
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Antioxidant Activity in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
A Cardador-Martínez, G Loarca-Piña, BD Oomah
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (24), 6975-6980, 2002
Phenolics and antioxidative activities in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L)
BD Oomah, A Cardador‐Martínez, G Loarca‐Piña
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85 (6), 935-942, 2005
Influence of probiotic strains added to Cottage Cheese on potentially-antioxidant peptides generation, anti-Listerial activity, and survival of probiotic microorganisms in …
L Abadía-García, A Cardador, S Martín del Campo, Arvízu, S M, ...
International Dairy Journal 33 (2), 191-197, 2013
Antimutagenic activity of natural phenolic compounds present in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) against aflatoxin B 1
A Cardador-Martinez, E Castano-Tostado, G Loarca-Pina
Food Additives & Contaminants 19 (1), 62-69, 2002
Revalorization of cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) wastes as a source of antioxidants
A Cardador-Martínez, C Jiménez-Martínez, G Sandoval
Food Science and Technology 31, 782-788, 2011
Effect of Roasting and Boiling on the Content of Vicine, Convicine and L‐3,4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine in Vicia faba L.
A Cardador‐Martínez, K Maya‐Ocaña, A Ortiz‐Moreno, ...
Journal of Food Quality 35 (6), 419-428, 2012
Comparative study of the effects of drying methods on antioxidant activity of dried strawberry (Fragaria Var. Camarosa)
M Alonzo-Macías, A Cardador-Martínez, S Mounir, G Montejano-Gaitán, ...
Journal of Food Research 2 (2), 92, 2013
Relationship Among Antimutagenic, Antioxidant and Enzymatic Activities of Methanolic Extract from Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L)
A Cardador-Martinez, A Albores, M Bah, V Calderon-Salinas, ...
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 61, 161-168, 2006
Proteins and bioactive peptides: mechanisms of action on diabetes management
ME Oseguera-Toledo, E González de Mejía, R Reynoso-Camacho, ...
Nutrafoods 13, 147-157, 2014
Effect of cooking on nutritional and non-nutritional compounds in two species of Phaseolus (P. vulgaris and P. coccineus) cultivated in Mexico
LJ Corzo-Ríos, XM Sánchez-Chino, A Cardador-Martínez, ...
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 20, 100206, 2020
Impact of instant controlled pressure drop treatment on dehydration and rehydration kinetics of green Moroccan pepper (Capsicum annuum)
C Téllez-Pérez, M Sabah, V Sobolik, A Cardador-Martínez, ...
Procedia Engineering 42, 978-1003, 2012
A new microplate screening method for the simultaneous activity quantification of feruloyl esterases, tannases, and chlorogenate esterases
L Ramírez, J Arrizon, G Sandoval, A Cardador, R Bello-Mendoza, ...
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 151, 711-723, 2008
Comparative study of various drying processes at physical and chemical properties of strawberries (Fragaria var. Camarosa)
AM Maritza, M Sabah, A Cardador-Martínez, K Allaf
Procedia Engineering 42, 267-282, 2012
ACEI and antioxidant peptides release during ripening of Mexican Cotija hard cheese
L Hernández-Galán, A Cardador-Martínez, D Picque, HE Spinnler, ...
Journal of Food Research 5 (3), 85, 2016
Characteristics of Echinacea seed oil
BD Oomah, D Dumon, A Cardador-Martínez, DV Godfrey
Food chemistry 96 (2), 304-312, 2006
Antimutagenic and antioxidant activities of quebracho phenolics (Schinopsis balansae) recovered from tannery wastewaters
R Marín-Martinez, R Veloz-García, R Veloz-Rodríguez, ...
Bioresource technology 100 (1), 434-439, 2009
Antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity in fresh goat cheese prepared without starter culture: a preliminary study
L Hernández-Galán, A Cardador-Martínez, M López-del-Castillo, ...
CyTA-journal of Food 15 (1), 49-57, 2017
Nephroprotective plants: a review on the use in pre-renal and post-renal diseases
MA Tienda-Vázquez, ZP Morreeuw, JE Sosa-Hernández, ...
Plants 11 (6), 818, 2022
Production of antioxidant and ACEI peptides from cheese whey discarded from Mexican white cheese production
ST Martín-del-Campo, PC Martínez-Basilio, JC Sepúlveda-Álvarez, ...
Antioxidants 8 (6), 158, 2019
Changes in Protein, Nonnutritional Factors, and Antioxidant Capacity during Germination of L. campestris Seeds
C Jiménez Martínez, A Cardador Martínez, AL Martinez Ayala, M Muzquiz, ...
International Journal of Agronomy 2012 (1), 387407, 2012
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Articles 1–20