James B Dorey
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Cited by
Climate change and invasive species: a physiological performance comparison of invasive and endemic bees in Fiji
CRB da Silva, JE Beaman, JB Dorey, SJ Barker, NC Congedi, MC Elmer, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (1), 2021
Forests are critically important to global pollinator diversity and enhance pollination in adjacent crops
M Ulyshen, KR Urban-Mead, JB Dorey, JW Rivers
Biological Reviews, 2023
Review of the bee genus Homalictus Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) from Fiji with description of nine new species.
JB Dorey, MP Schwarz, MI Stevens
Zootaxa 4674 (1), 1-zootaxa. 4674.1., 2019
First observations on the life cycle and mass eclosion events in a mantis fly (Family Mantispidae) in the subfamily Drepanicinae
JB Dorey, DJ Merritt
Biodiversity data journal, 2017
Radiation of tropical island bees and the role of phylogenetic niche conservatism as an important driver of biodiversity
JB Dorey, SVC Groom, EH Freedman, CS Matthews, OK Davies, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1925), 2020
Continental risk assessment for understudied taxa post catastrophic wildfire indicates severe impacts on the Australian bee fauna
JB Dorey, CM Rebola, OK Davies, KS Prendergast, BA Parslow, ...
Global Change Biology, 2021
Opportunities and challenges in Asian bee research and conservation
N Warrit, J Ascher, P Basu, V Belavadi, A Brockmann, D Buchori, ...
Biological Conservation, 110173, 2023
A globally synthesised and flagged bee occurrence dataset and cleaning workflow
JB Dorey, EE Fischer, PR Chesshire, A Nava-Bolanos, RL OReilly, ...
Scientific Data 10 (747), 2023
Holocene population expansion of a tropical bee coincides with early human colonisation of Fiji rather than climate change
JB Dorey, SVC Groom, A Velasco-Castrillón, MI Stevens, MSY Lee, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2021
Twenty six new species of Leioproctus (Colletellus): Australian Neopasiphaeinae, all but one with two submarginal cells (Hymenoptera, Colletidae, Leioproctus)
R Leijs, J Dorey, K Hogendoorn
ZooKeys, 109, 2018
Missing for almost 100 years: the rare and potentially threatened bee, Pharohylaeus lactiferus (Hymenoptera, Colletidae)
JB Dorey
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81, 165-180, 2021
Morphometric comparisons and novel observations of diurnal and low-light-foraging bees
JB Dorey, EP Fagan-Jeffries, MI Stevens, MP Schwarz
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 79, 117-144, 2020
Unparalleled mitochondrial heteroplasmy and Wolbachia co-infection in the non-model bee, Amphylaeus morosus
OK Davies, JB Dorey, MI Stevens, MG Gardner, TM Bradford, MP Schwarz
Current Research in Insect Science 2, 2022
Current status of bees in Fiji; Geographical distribution and role in pollination of crop plants
ZT Naaz, B Rehana, JB Dorey
Oriental Insects 56 (2), 1–27, 2022
Evolution: Dampening the Cambrian Explosion
MSY Lee, JB Dorey
Current Biology 28 (23), PR1353-R1355, 2018
Canopy specialist Hylaeus bees highlight sampling biases and resolve Michener’s mystery
JB Dorey, OK Davies, KN Magnacca, MP Schwarz, AM Gilpin, T Ramage, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1339446, 2024
Bees of Australia: A Photographic Exploration
JB Dorey
CSIRO Publishing, 2018
Big data-big problems? How to circumvent problems in biodiversity mapping and ensure meaningful results
A Hughes, J Dorey, S Bossert, H Qiao, M Orr
Ecography, 2024
The genus Amegilla (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Anthophorini) in Australia: a revision of the subgenus Asaropoda
R Leijs, J Dorey, K Hogendoorn
ZooKeys 908, 45, 2020
Origin and dispersal of Homalictus (Apoidea: Halictidae) across Australia, Papua New Guinea and Pacific
S Ibalim*, SVC Groom*, JB Dorey*, A Velasco-Castrillon, MP Schwarz, ...
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 2020
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Articles 1–20