Gigih Priyandoko
Gigih Priyandoko
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Widyagama, Indonesia
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Cited by
Vehicle active suspension system using skyhook adaptive neuro active force control
G Priyandoko, M Mailah, H Jamaluddin
Mechanical systems and signal processing 23 (3), 855-868, 2009
Thermo-physical properties of hybrid nanofluids and hybrid nanolubricants: a comprehensive review on performance
MF Nabil, WH Azmi, KA Hamid, NNM Zawawi, G Priyandoko, R Mamat
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 83, 30-39, 2017
Simulation of suspension system with adaptive fuzzy active force control
G Priyandoko, M Mailah
To all Intelligent Active Force Control Research Group 30, 2007
Rancang bangun sistem portable monitoring infus berbasis internet of things
G Priyandoko
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 (2), 56-61, 2021
Dynamic study of bicycle frame structure
MSM Sani, NA Nazri, SN Zahari, NAZ Abdullah, G Priyandoko
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (1), 012009, 2016
Active suspension system for passenger vehicle using active force control with iterative learning algorithm
R Rosli, M Mailah, G Priyandoko
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 9 (2), 120-127, 2014
Design of single acting pulley actuator (SAPA) continuously variable transmission (CVT)
N Cholis, S Ariyono, G Priyandoko
2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and …, 2014
Parametric optimization of magneto-rheological fluid damper using particle swarm optimization
MR Azraai, G Priyandoko, AR Yusoff, M Rashid
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 11, 2591, 2015
Human following on ROS framework a mobile robot
G Priyandoko, CK Wei, MSH Achmad
Sinergi 22 (2), 77-82, 2018
Bouc-Wen model parameter identification for a MR fluid damper using particle swarm optimization
MA Razman, G Priyandoko, AR Yusoff
Advanced Materials Research 903, 279-284, 2014
PID state feedback controller of a quarter car active suspension system
GD Nusantoro, G Priyandoko
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res 1 (11), 2304-2309, 2011
Eddy current braking study for brake disc of aluminium, copper and zinc
MZ Baharom, MZ Nuawi, G Priyandoko, SM Harris, LM Siow
Regional engineering postgraduate conference, 1-6, 2011
Eddy current braking experiment using brake disc from aluminium series of A16061 and A17075
MZ Baharom, MZ Nuawi, G Priyandoko, SM Harris
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 36 (1), 012005, 2012
Development of Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure in School using an Approach of the Network Development Life Cycle Method
D Siswanto, G Priyandoko, N Tjahjono, RS Putri, NB Sabela, MI Muzakki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1908 (1), 012026, 2021
Monitoring pH Dan Suhu Air Pada Budidaya Ikan Mas Koki Berbasis IoT
MR Satriawan, G Priyandoko, S Setiawidayat
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 5 (1), 12-17, 2023
Kendali Kecepatan Motor Pompa Air DC Menggunakan PID–CSA Berdasarkan Debit Air Berbasis Arduino
A Andreas, G Priyandoko, M Mukhsim
JASEE Journal of Application and Science on Electrical Engineering 1 (01), 1-14, 2020
Tele-operated mobile robot for 3d visual inspection utilizing distributed operating system platform
MSH Achmad, G Priyandoko, R Rosli, MR Daud
International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 9 (3), 190-194, 2017
Electromagnetic Braking System Using Eddy Current for Brake Disc of Al6061 and Al7075
SMH M.Z. Baharom , M.Z. Nuawi, G. Priyandoko
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 6 (3), 588-592, 2012
Modelling and control of a human-like arm incorporating muscle models
M Mailah, H Jahanabadi, MZM Zain, G Priyandoko
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2009
Active force control with input shaping technique for a suspension system
MZM Zain, M Mailah, G Priyandoko
Jurnal Mekanikal, 91-104, 2008
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Articles 1–20