Thomas Riecke
Thomas Riecke
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Integrated population models: Model assumptions and inference
TV Riecke, PJ Williams, TL Behnke, D Gibson, AG Leach, BS Sedinger, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (7), 1072-1082, 2019
Mate fidelity improves survival and breeding propensity of a long‐lived bird
AG Leach, TV Riecke, JS Sedinger, DH Ward, S Boyd
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (10), 2290-2299, 2020
A hierarchical model for jointly assessing ecological and anthropogenic impacts on animal demography
TV Riecke, BS Sedinger, TW Arnold, D Gibson, DN Koons, MG Lohman, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (8), 1612-1626, 2022
Estimating correlations among demographic parameters in population models
TV Riecke, BS Sedinger, PJ Williams, AG Leach, JS Sedinger
Ecology and Evolution 9 (23), 13521-13531, 2019
The black brant population is declining based on mark recapture
JS Sedinger, TV Riecke, AG Leach, DH Ward
The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (3), 627-637, 2019
Parameterizing the robust design in the BUGS language: Lifetime carry‐over effects of environmental conditions during growth on a long‐lived bird
TV Riecke, AG Leach, D Gibson, JS Sedinger
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (11), 2294-2305, 2018
Piping Plover population increase after Hurricane Sandy mediated by immigration and reproductive output
SG Robinson, D Gibson, TV Riecke, JD Fraser, HA Bellman, ...
The Condor 122 (4), duaa041, 2020
Density‐dependence produces spurious relationships among demographic parameters in a harvested species
TV Riecke, MG Lohman, BS Sedinger, TW Arnold, CL Feldheim, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (11), 2261-2272, 2022
Ultimate regulation of fecundity in species with precocial young: declining marginal value of offspring with increasing brood size does not explain maximal clutch size in Black …
JS Sedinger, AW VanDellen, AG Leach, TV Riecke
Oecologia 183 (2), 431-440, 2017
Changes in behavior are unable to disrupt a trophic cascade involving a specialist herbivore and its food plant
MG Lohman, TV Riecke, CR Acevedo, BT Person, JA Schmutz, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (9), 5281-5291, 2019
Brood Size Affects Future Reproduction in a Long-Lived Bird with Precocial Young
AG Leach, JS Sedinger, TV Riecke, AW Van Dellen, DH Ward, WS Boyd
The American Naturalist 193 (3), 458-471, 2019
Application of Bayesian robust design model to assess the impacts of a hurricane on shorebird demography
D Gibson, TV Riecke, T Keyes, C Depkin, J Fraser, DH Catlin
Ecosphere 9 (8), e02334, 2018
Baseline blood Pb concentrations in black-necked stilts on the upper Texas coast
TV Riecke, WC Conway, DA Haukos, JA Moon, CE Comer
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 95, 465-469, 2015
Climate change and commercial fishing practices codetermine survival of a long‐lived seabird
D Gibson, TV Riecke, DH Catlin, KL Hunt, CE Weithman, DN Koons, ...
Global Change Biology 29, 324-340, 2023
Assessing risk for butterflies in the context of climate change, demographic uncertainty, and heterogeneous data sources
ML Forister, EM Grames, CA Halsch, KJ Burls, CF Carroll, KL Bell, ...
Ecological Monographs, e1584, 2023
Experimental harvest regulations reveal that water availability during spring, not harvest, affects change in a waterfowl population
BS Sedinger, TV Riecke, CA Nicolai, R Woolstenhulme, WG Henry, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (22), 12701-12709, 2019
Incubation capacity contributes to constraints on maximal clutch size in Brent Geese Branta bernicla nigricans
AG Leach, AW Van Dellen, TV Riecke, JS Sedinger
Ibis 159 (3), 588-599, 2017
Bayesian mark–recapture–resight–recovery models: increasing user flexibility in the BUGS language
TV Riecke, D Gibson, AG Leach, MS Lindberg, M Schaub, JS Sedinger
Ecosphere 12 (12), e03810, 2021
Nest Survival of Black-Necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) on the Upper Texas Coast, USA
TV Riecke, WC Conway, DA Haukos, JA Moon, CE Comer
Waterbirds 42 (3), 261-271, 2019
Long‐term trends and drought: Spatiotemporal variation in juvenile sex ratios of North American ducks
SL Ellis, MG Lohman, JS Sedinger, PJ Williams, TV Riecke
Ecology and Evolution 12 (7), e9099, 2022
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Articles 1–20