Alexander Cloninger
Alexander Cloninger
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Halicioglu Data Science Institute, UC San Diego
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Cited by
DeepSurv: Personalized treatment recommender system using A Cox proportional hazards deep neural network
JL Katzman, U Shaham, A Cloninger, J Bates, T Jiang, Y Kluger
BMC medical research methodology 18 (1), 24, 2018
Provable approximation properties for deep neural networks
U Shaham, A Cloninger, RR Coifman
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 44 (3), 537-557, 2018
Defending against adversarial images using basis functions transformations
U Shaham, J Garritano, Y Yamada, E Weinberger, A Cloninger, X Cheng, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.10840, 2018
Diffusion nets
G Mishne, U Shaham, A Cloninger, I Cohen
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 47 (2), 259-285, 2019
Linear optimal transport embedding: Provable wasserstein classification for certain rigid transformations and perturbations
C Moosmüller, A Cloninger
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 12 (1), 363–389, 2023
Classification logit two-sample testing by neural networks for differentiating near manifold densities
X Cheng, A Cloninger
IEEE transactions on information theory 68 (10), 6631-6662, 2022
Efficient 2D MRI relaxometry using compressed sensing
R Bai, A Cloninger, W Czaja, PJ Basser
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 255, 88-99, 2015
A deep network construction that adapts to intrinsic dimensionality beyond the domain
A Cloninger, T Klock
Neural Networks 141, 404-419, 2021
Solving 2D Fredholm integral from incomplete measurements using compressive sensing
A Cloninger, W Czaja, R Bai, PJ Basser
SIAM journal on imaging sciences 7 (3), 1775-1798, 2014
Describing the performance of US hospitals by applying big data analytics
NS Downing, A Cloninger, AK Venkatesh, A Hsieh, EE Drye, RR Coifman, ...
PLoS One 12 (6), e0179603, 2017
LDLE: Low distortion local eigenmaps
D Kohli, A Cloninger, G Mishne
Journal of machine learning research 22 (282), 1-64, 2021
Using neural networks to predict microspatial economic growth
A Khachiyan, A Thomas, H Zhou, G Hanson, A Cloninger, T Rosing, ...
American Economic Review: Insights 4 (4), 491-506, 2022
Two-sample statistics based on anisotropic kernels
X Cheng, A Cloninger, RR Coifman
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 9 (3), 677-719, 2020
Hildreth’s algorithm with applications to soft constraints for user interface layout
N Jamil, X Chen, A Cloninger
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 288, 193-202, 2015
Variational Diffusion Autoencoders with Random Walk Sampling
H Li, O Lindenbaum, X Cheng, A Cloninger
European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020
Supervised learning of sheared distributions using linearized optimal transport
V Khurana, H Kannan, A Cloninger, C Moosmüller
Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis 21 (1), 1, 2023
Natural graph wavelet packet dictionaries
A Cloninger, H Li, N Saito
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 27 (3), 41, 2021
The pre-image problem for Laplacian eigenmaps utilizing l1 regularization with applications to data fusion
A Cloninger, W Czaja, T Doster
Inverse Problems 33 (7), 074006, 2017
On the dual geometry of Laplacian eigenfunctions
A Cloninger, S Steinerberger
Experimental Mathematics 30 (2), 283-293, 2021
A note on markov normalized magnetic eigenmaps
A Cloninger
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 43 (2), 370-380, 2017
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Articles 1–20