Ilya M. Eremin
Ilya M. Eremin
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Magnetism, superconductivity, and pairing symmetry in iron-based superconductors
AV Chubukov, DV Efremov, I Eremin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (13), 134512, 2008
Preemptive nematic order, pseudogap, and orbital order in the iron pnictides
RM Fernandes, AV Chubukov, J Knolle, I Eremin, J Schmalian
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (2), 024534, 2012
A high-temperature ferromagnetic topological insulating phase by proximity coupling
F Katmis, V Lauter, FS Nogueira, BA Assaf, ME Jamer, P Wei, B Satpati, ...
Nature 533 (7604), 513-516, 2016
Commensurate spin density wave in LaFeAsO: A local probe study
HH Klauss, H Luetkens, R Klingeler, C Hess, FJ Litterst, M Kraken, ...
Physical review letters 101 (7), 077005, 2008
Theory of magnetic excitations in iron-based layered superconductors
MM Korshunov, I Eremin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (14), 140509, 2008
Magnetic degeneracy and hidden metallicity of the spin-density-wave state in ferropnictides
I Eremin, AV Chubukov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (2), 024511, 2010
Magnetically driven suppression of nematic order in an iron-based superconductor
S Avci, O Chmaissem, JM Allred, S Rosenkranz, I Eremin, AV Chubukov, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3845, 2014
Novel neutron resonance mode in dx 2-y 2<? format}?>-wave superconductors
I Eremin, DK Morr, AV Chubukov, KH Bennemann, MR Norman
Physical review letters 94 (14), 147001, 2005
Specific features of spin, charge, and orbital ordering in cobaltites
BI Natal'ya, SG Ovchinnikov, MM Korshunov, ME Il'ya, VK Natal'ya
Physics-Uspekhi 52 (8), 789, 2009
Double-Q spin-density wave in iron arsenide superconductors
JM Allred, KM Taddei, DE Bugaris, MJ Krogstad, SH Lapidus, DY Chung, ...
Nature Physics 12 (5), 493-498, 2016
Electronic correlations and superconducting instability in La Ni O under high pressure
F Lechermann, J Gondolf, S Bötzel, IM Eremin
Phys. Rev. B 108, L201121 (2023) 108, L201121, 2023
Interplay of magnetic and structural transitions in iron-based pnictide superconductors
A Cano, M Civelli, I Eremin, I Paul
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (2), 020408, 2010
Feedback Spin Resonance in Superconducting and
I Eremin, G Zwicknagl, P Thalmeier, P Fulde
Physical review letters 101 (18), 187001, 2008
Superconductivity versus bound-state formation in a two-band superconductor with small Fermi energy: Applications to Fe pnictides/chalcogenides and doped
AV Chubukov, I Eremin, DV Efremov
Physical Review B 93 (17), 174516, 2016
Knight Shift and Leading Superconducting Instability from Spin Fluctuations in
AT Rømer, DD Scherer, IM Eremin, PJ Hirschfeld, BM Andersen
Physical review letters 123 (24), 247001, 2019
Theory of itinerant magnetic excitations in the spin-density-wave phase of iron-based superconductors
J Knolle, I Eremin, AV Chubukov, R Moessner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (14), 140506, 2010
Incommensurate itinerant antiferromagnetic excitations and spin resonance in the superconductor
DN Argyriou, A Hiess, A Akbari, I Eremin, MM Korshunov, J Hu, B Qian, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (22), 220503, 2010
Evidence for an Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state with segmented vortices in the BCS-BEC-crossover superconductor FeSe
S Kasahara, Y Sato, S Licciardello, M Čulo, S Arsenijević, T Ottenbros, ...
Physical review letters 124 (10), 107001, 2020
Enhancement of the Superconducting Gap by Nesting in : A New High Temperature Superconductor
D Mou, T Kong, WR Meier, F Lochner, LL Wang, Q Lin, Y Wu, SL Bud’Ko, ...
Physical review letters 117 (27), 277001, 2016
Analysis of the resonance peak and magnetic coherence seen in inelastic neutron scattering of cuprate superconductors: A consistent picture with tunneling and conductivity data
D Manske, I Eremin, KH Bennemann
Physical Review B 63 (5), 054517, 2001
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Articles 1–20