Høgni Kalsø Hansen
Høgni Kalsø Hansen
Associate Prof. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
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Cited by
Migration of the creative class: evidence from Sweden
HK Hansen, T Niedomysl
Journal of economic geography 9 (2), 191-206, 2009
Knowledge bases, talents, and contexts: On the usefulness of the creative class approach in Sweden
B Asheim, HK Hansen
Economic geography 85 (4), 425-442, 2009
What matters more for the decision to move: Jobs versus amenities
T Niedomysl, HK Hansen
Environment and Planning A 42 (7), 1636-1649, 2010
Nordic city regions in the creative class debate—putting the creative class thesis to a test
KV Andersen, HK Hansen, A Isaksen, M Raunio
Industry and Innovation 17 (2), 215-240, 2010
One size fits all? Applying the creative class thesis onto a Nordic context
KV Andersen, MM Bugge, HK Hansen, A Isaksen, M Raunio
European Planning Studies 18 (10), 1591-1609, 2010
Technology, talent and tolerance-the geography of the creative class in Sweden
HK Hansen
Department of Social and Economic Geography, Lund University, 2007
The spatial division of talent in city regions: Location dynamics of business services in Copenhagen
HK Hansen, L Winther
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 101 (1), 55-72, 2010
The Creative Class and Regional Growth-Towards a knowledge based Approach
KH Hansen, J Vang-Lauridsen, B Asheim
Towards a Reconciliation of the ‘Context-less’ with the ‘Space-less’? The Creative Class across Varieties of Capitalism: New Evidence from Sweden and the UK
N Clifton, P Cooke, HK Hansen
Regional Studies 47 (2), 201-215, 2013
The urban turn: Cities, talent and knowledge in Denmark
HK Hansen, L Winther
Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012
The economic geographies of the outer city: Industrial dynamics and imaginary spaces of location in Copenhagen
L Winther, H Kalsø Hansen
European Planning Studies 14 (10), 1387-1406, 2006
On the location dynamics of highly educated people migrating to peripheral regions of Denmark
HK Hansen, LG Aner
Population, Space and Place 23 (8), e2076, 2017
Industries, skills, and human capital: How does regional size affect uneven development?
RH Eriksson, HK Hansen
Environment and Planning A 45 (3), 593-613, 2013
Regional development and the impact of the public sector in Denmark: Employment growth and human capital
HK Hansen, L Winther
Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 114 (2), 156-168, 2014
The spaces of urban economic geographies: Industrial transformation in the outer city of Copenhagen
HK Hansen, L Winther
Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 107 (2), 45-58, 2007
The European creative class and regional development: how relevant is Florida's theory for Europe?
HK Hansen, B Asheim, J Vang
Creative economies, creative cities: Asian-European perspectives, 99-120, 2009
Spatial restructuring and uneven intra-urban employment growth in metro-and non-metro-served areas in Copenhagen
K Bothe, HK Hansen, L Winther
Journal of Transport Geography 70, 21-30, 2018
The importance of business climate and people climate on regional performance
RH Eriksson, HK Hansen, U Lindgren
Regional Studies 48 (6), 1135-1155, 2014
The Urban Turn: And the Location of Economic Activities
HK Hansen
Employment growth and regional development: industrial change and contextual differences between Denmark and Sweden
RH Eriksson, HK Hansen, L Winther
European Planning Studies 25 (10), 1756-1778, 2017
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Articles 1–20