Hans (J.A.P.) Heesterbeek
Hans (J.A.P.) Heesterbeek
Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, Universiteit Utrecht
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Cited by
On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations
O Diekmann, JAP Heesterbeek, JAJ Metz
J. Math. Biol. 28 (4), 365-382, 1990
How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
RM Anderson, H Heesterbeek, D Klinkenberg, TD Hollingsworth
The lancet 395 (10228), 931-934, 2020
Mathematical epidemiology of infectious diseases: model building, analysis and interpretation
O Diekmann, JAP Heesterbeek
John Wiley & Sons, 2000
The construction of next-generation matrices for compartmental epidemic models
O Diekmann, JAP Heesterbeek, MG Roberts
Journal of the royal society interface 7 (47), 873-885, 2010
Mathematical tools for understanding infectious disease dynamics
O Diekmann, H Heesterbeek, T Britton
Mathematical Tools for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics, 2013
Stability in real food webs: weak links in long loops
A Neutel, JAP Heesterbeek, PC De Ruiter
Science 296, 1120-1123, 2002
The ecology of wildlife diseases
PJ Hudson, A Rizzoli, BT Grenfell, H Heesterbeek, AP Dobson
Oxford University Press, 2002
Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health
H Heesterbeek, RM Anderson, V Andreasen, S Bansal, D De Angelis, ...
Science 347 (6227), aaa4339, 2015
A brief history of R 0 and a recipe for its calculation
JAP Heesterbeek
Acta biotheoretica 50 (3), 189-204, 2002
Complexity theory and financial regulation
S Battiston, JD Farmer, A Flache, D Garlaschelli, AG Haldane, ...
Science 351 (6275), 818-819, 2016
Daniel Bernoulli’s epidemiological model revisited
K Dietz, JAP Heesterbeek
Mathematical biosciences 180 (1-2), 1-21, 2002
How does transmission of infection depend on population size?
MCM de Jong, O Diekmann, JAP Heesterbeek
Epidemic models: their structure and relation to data 5, 84, 1995
Reconciling complexity with stability in naturally assembling food webs
AM Neutel, JAP Heesterbeek, J Van de Koppel, G Hoenderboom, A Vos, ...
Nature 449 (7162), 599-602, 2007
The concept of Ro in epidemic theory
JAP Heesterbeek, K Dietz
Statistica neerlandica 50 (1), 89-110, 1996
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398 in Veal Calf Farming: Human MRSA Carriage Related with Animal Antimicrobial Usage and Farm Hygiene
H Graveland, JA Wagenaar, H Heesterbeek, D Mevius, E van Duijkeren, ...
PloS one 5 (6), e10990, 2010
A new method for estimating the effort required to control an infectious disease
MG Roberts, JAP Heesterbeek
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
The effectiveness of contact tracing in emerging epidemics
D Klinkenberg, C Fraser, H Heesterbeek
PloS one 1 (1), e12, 2006
Heterogeneous shedding of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle and its implications for control
L Matthews, JC Low, DL Gally, MC Pearce, DJ Mellor, JAP Heesterbeek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (3), 547-552, 2006
The changing incidence of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Indonesia: a 45-year registry-based analysis
MR Karyanti, CSPM Uiterwaal, R Kusriastuti, SR Hadinegoro, MM Rovers, ...
BMC infectious diseases 14, 1-7, 2014
Persistence of livestock associated MRSA CC398 in humans is dependent on intensity of animal contact
H Graveland, JA Wagenaar, K Bergs, H Heesterbeek, D Heederik
PloS one 6 (2), e16830, 2011
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Articles 1–20