Francis Alexander
Cited by
Cited by
Lattice boltzmann thermohydrodynamics
FJ Alexander, S Chen, JD Sterling
Physical Review E 47 (4), R2249, 1993
The direct simulation Monte Carlo method
FJ Alexander, AL Garcia
Computers in Physics 11 (6), 588, 1997
Cell size dependence of transport coefficients in stochastic particle algorithms
A Garcia, F Alexander, B Alder
Physics of Fluids 10, 1540, 1998
Direct simulation Monte Carlo for thin‐film bearings
FJ Alexander, AL Garcia, BJ Alder
Physics of Fluids 6 (12), 3854-3860, 1994
Lattice Boltzmann model for compressible fluids
FJ Alexander, H Chen, S Chen, GD Doolen
Physical Review A 46 (4), 1967, 1992
A consistent Boltzmann algorithm
FJ Alexander, AL Garcia, BJ Alder
Physical Review Letters 74 (26), 5212, 1995
Workshop report on basic research needs for scientific machine learning: Core technologies for artificial intelligence
N Baker, F Alexander, T Bremer, A Hagberg, Y Kevrekidis, H Najm, ...
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Washington, DC (United States), 2019
Information science for materials discovery and design
T Lookman, FJ Alexander, K Rajan
Springer International Publishing, 2016
Hydrodynamic spinodal decomposition: Growth kinetics and scaling functions
FJ Alexander, S Chen, DW Grunau
Physical Review B 48 (1), 634, 1993
Exascale applications: skin in the game
F Alexander, A Almgren, J Bell, A Bhattacharjee, J Chen, P Colella, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2166), 20190056, 2020
Algorithm refinement for stochastic partial differential equations: I. Linear diffusion
FJ Alexander, AL Garcia, DM Tartakovsky
Journal of Computational Physics 182 (1), 47-66, 2002
Erratum:“Cell size dependence of transport coefficients in stochastic particle algorithms”[Phys. Fluids 10, 1540(1998)]
FJ Alexander, AL Garcia, BJ Alder
Physics of Fluids 12 (3), 731, 2000
Spinodal decomposition in fluids: Diffusive, viscous, and inertial regimes
T Lookman, Y Wu, FJ Alexander, S Chen
Physical Review E 53 (5), 5513, 1996
Effects of hydrodynamics on phase transition kinetics in two-dimensional binary fluids
Y Wu, FJ Alexander, T Lookman, S Chen
Physical review letters 74 (19), 3852, 1995
Accelerated Monte Carlo for optimal estimation of time series
FJ Alexander, GL Eyink, JM Restrepo
Journal of Statistical Physics 119, 1331-1345, 2005
Ensemble filtering for nonlinear dynamics
S Kim, GL Eyink, JM Restrepo, FJ Alexander, G Johnson
Monthly Weather Review 131 (11), 2586-2594, 2003
Statistical mechanics of kinks in 1+ 1 dimensions: Numerical simulations and double-Gaussian approximation
FJ Alexander, S Habib, A Kovner
Physical Review E 48 (6), 4284, 1993
A mean field approximation in data assimilation for nonlinear dynamics
GL Eyink, JM Restrepo, FJ Alexander
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 195 (3-4), 347-368, 2004
Integer lattice gases
BM Boghosian, J Yepez, FJ Alexander, NH Margolus
Physical Review E 55 (4), 4137, 1997
Big data
FJ Alexander, A Hoisie, A Szalay
Computing in Science & Engineering 13 (06), 10-13, 2011
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Articles 1–20