Armando Vannucci
Cited by
Cited by
The RP method: A new tool for the iterative solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
A Vannucci, P Serena, A Bononi
Journal of Lightwave Technology 20 (7), 1102, 2002
Degree of polarization degradation due to cross-phase modulation and its impact on polarization-mode dispersion compensators
A Bononi, A Vannucci, A Orlandini, E Corbel, S Lanne, S Bigo
Journal of Lightwave Technology 21 (9), 1903, 2003
Fast and efficient dynamic WDM semiconductor optical amplifier model
W Mathlouthi, P Lemieux, M Salsi, A Vannucci, A Bononi, LA Rusch
Journal of Lightwave Technology 24 (11), 4353-4365, 2006
Optical Fiber Sensors for Label-free DNA Detection
M Barozzi, A Manicardi, A Vannucci, A Candiani, M Sozzi, M Konstantaki, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2016
Statistical characterization of the Jones matrix of long fibers affected by polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
A Vannucci, A Bononi
Journal of lightwave technology 20 (5), 811-821, 2002
IoT Attack detection with deep learning analysis
R Pecori, A Tayebi, A Vannucci, L Veltri
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Optilux toolbox
P Serena, M Bertolini, A Vannucci
Departament of information engineering, University of Palma, Italy, 2009
The performance of polarization switched-QPSK (PS-QPSK) in dispersion managed WDM transmissions
P Serena, A Vannucci, A Bononi
36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2010
Intra-versus inter-channel PMD in linearly compensated coherent PDM-PSK nonlinear transmissions
P Serena, N Rossi, O Bertran-Pardo, J Renaudier, A Vannucci, A Bononi
Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (11), 1691-1700, 2011
A simple formula for the degree of polarization degraded by XPM and its experimental validation
A Vannucci, A Bononi, A Orlandini, E Corbel, J Thiéry, S Lanne, S Bigo
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, ThJ1, 2003
Lossless polarization attraction of copropagating beams in telecom fibers
VV Kozlov, M Barozzi, A Vannucci, S Wabnitz
JOSA B 30 (3), 530-540, 2013
Statistics of the Jones matrix of fibers affected by polarization mode dispersion
A Bononi, A Vannucci
Optics Letters 26 (10), 675-677, 2001
Lossless polarization attraction of telecom signals: application to all-optical OSNR enhancement
M Barozzi, A Vannucci
JOSA B 31 (11), 2712-2720, 2014
Experimental statistical assessment of XPM impact on optical PMD compensator efficiency
E Corbel, JP Thiéry, S Lanne, S Bigo, A Vannucci, A Bononi
OFC 2003 Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2003., 499-501, 2003
Is there life beyond the principal states of polarization?
A Bononi, A Vannucci
Optical Fiber Technology 8 (4), 257-294, 2002
Performance characterization and guidelines for the design of a counter-propagating nonlinear lossless polarizer
M Barozzi, A Vannucci
JOSA B 30 (12), 3102-3110, 2013
NEMO: A flexible and highly scalable network EMulatOr
L Veltri, L Davoli, R Pecori, A Vannucci, F Zanichelli
SoftwareX 10, 100248, 2019
Dynamics of lossless polarization attraction
M Barozzi, A Vannucci
Photonics Research 3 (5), 229-233, 2015
Sequence detection in nonlinear channels: A convenient alternative to analog predistortion
A Vannucci, R Raheli
IEEE transactions on communications 50 (9), 1515-1524, 2002
Lossless polarization attraction simulation with a novel and simple counterpropagation algorithm for optical signals
M Barozzi, A Vannucci, D Sperti
J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 7 (12042.1), 6, 2012
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Articles 1–20