Claude Esling
Claude Esling
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Modelling and prediction of mechanical properties for materials with hexagonal symmetry (zinc, titanium and zirconium alloys)
JJ Fundenberger, MJ Philippe, F Wagner, C Esling
Acta materialia 45 (10), 4041-4055, 1997
Quantitative texture analysis
HJ Bunge, C Esling
(No Title), 1986
Modelling of texture evolution for materials of hexagonal symmetry—II. application to zirconium and titanium α or near α alloys
MJ Philippe, M Serghat, P Van Houtte, C Esling
Acta metallurgica et materialia 43 (4), 1619-1630, 1995
Crystalline, electronic, and magnetic structures of θ-Fe3C, χ-Fe5C2, and η-Fe2C from first principle calculation
HI Faraoun, YD Zhang, C Esling, H Aourag
Journal of applied physics 99 (9), 2006
Giant magnetocaloric effect in melt-spun Ni-Mn-Ga ribbons with magneto-multistructural transformation
Z Li, Y Zhang, CF Sánchez-Valdés, JL Sánchez Llamazares, C Esling, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (4), 2014
Ductility enhancement of extruded magnesium via yttrium addition
BL Wu, YH Zhao, XH Du, YD Zhang, F Wagner, C Esling
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16-17), 4334-4340, 2010
Determination of a mean orientation from a cloud of orientations. Application to electron back-scattering pattern measurements
M Humbert, N Gey, J Muller, C Esling
Journal of applied crystallography 29 (6), 662-666, 1996
Determination of the orientation of a parent β grain from the orientations of the inherited α plates in the phase transformation from body-centred cubic to hexagonal close packed
M Humbert, F Wagner, H Moustahfid, C Esling
Journal of applied crystallography 28 (5), 571-576, 1995
Microstructures and hardness of ultrafine-grained Ni3Al
J Languillaume, F Chmelik, G Kapelski, F Bordeaux, AA Nazarov, ...
Acta metallurgica et materialia 41 (10), 2953-2962, 1993
Twin-controlled growth of eutectic Si in unmodified and Sr-modified Al–12.7% Si alloys investigated by SEM/EBSD
X Liu, Y Zhang, B Beausir, F Liu, C Esling, F Yu, X Zhao, L Zuo
Acta Materialia 97, 338-347, 2015
Dendrite fragmentation and columnar-to-equiaxed transition during directional solidification at lower growth speed under a strong magnetic field
X Li, A Gagnoud, Y Fautrelle, Z Ren, R Moreau, Y Zhang, C Esling
Acta materialia 60 (8), 3321-3332, 2012
Optimization of the positivity method in quantitative texture analysis
F Wagner, M Humbert, J Muller, C Esling
Europhysics Letters 11 (5), 479, 1990
Anisotropy of dynamic behavior of extruded AZ31 magnesium alloy
G Wan, BL Wu, YD Zhang, GY Sha, C Esling
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (12), 2915-2924, 2010
High temperature tempering behaviors in a structural steel under high magnetic field
Y Zhang, N Gey, C He, X Zhao, L Zuo, C Esling
Acta Materialia 52 (12), 3467-3474, 2004
Elastic properties of polycrystals in the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation
L Zuo, M Humbert, C Esling
Journal of applied crystallography 25 (6), 751-755, 1992
Giant elastocaloric effect and exceptional mechanical properties in an all-d-metal Ni–Mn–Ti alloy: Experimental and ab-initio studies
HL Yan, LD Wang, HX Liu, XM Huang, N Jia, ZB Li, B Yang, YD Zhang, ...
Materials & Design 184, 108180, 2019
Crystal structure determination of incommensurate modulated martensite in Ni–Mn–In Heusler alloys
H Yan, Y Zhang, N Xu, A Senyshyn, HG Brokmeier, C Esling, X Zhao, ...
Acta materialia 88, 375-388, 2015
Composite structure of α phase in metastable β Ti alloys induced by lattice strain during β to α phase transformation
K Hua, Y Zhang, H Kou, J Li, W Gan, JJ Fundenberger, C Esling
Acta Materialia 132, 307-326, 2017
Twin relationships of 5M modulated martensite in Ni–Mn–Ga alloy
Z Li, Y Zhang, C Esling, X Zhao, L Zuo
Acta Materialia 59 (9), 3390-3397, 2011
Classification of the critical resolved shear stress in the hexagonal-close-packed materials by atomic simulation: Application to α-zirconium and α-titanium
A Poty, JM Raulot, H Xu, J Bai, C Schuman, JS Lecomte, MJ Philippe, ...
Journal of applied physics 110 (1), 2011
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