Arvin Sahaym
Arvin Sahaym
Dept. of Management, IS, and Entrepreneurship, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA 99164
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Exploring value cocreation in relationships between an ERP vendor and its partners: a revelatory case study
S Sarker, S Sarker, A Sahaym, N Bjørn-Andersen
MIS quarterly, 317-338, 2012
User entrepreneurs' multiple identities and crowdfunding performance: Effects through product innovativeness, perceived passion, and need similarity
PP Oo, TH Allison, A Sahaym, S Juasrikul
Journal of business venturing 34 (5), 105895, 2019
The influence of R&D investment on the use of corporate venture capital: An industry-level analysis
A Sahaym, HK Steensma, JQ Barden
Journal of Business Venturing 25 (4), 376-388, 2010
Salesperson competitive intelligence and performance: The role of product knowledge and sales force automation usage
BJ Mariadoss, C Milewicz, S Lee, A Sahaym
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (1), 136-145, 2014
The influence of information technology on the use of loosely coupled organizational forms: An industry-level analysis
A Sahaym, HK Steensma, MA Schilling
Organization Science 18 (5), 865-880, 2007
Crowdfunding success through social media: Going beyond entrepreneurial orientation in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises
A Sahaym, AA Datta, S Brooks
Journal of business research 125, 483-494, 2021
Bellwether and the herd? Unpacking the u-shaped relationship between prior funding and subsequent contributions in reward-based crowdfunding
CSR Chan, A Parhankangas, A Sahaym, P Oo
Journal of Business Venturing 35 (2), 105934, 2020
Search behavior of the diversified firm: The impact of fit on innovation
SK Kim, JD Arthurs, A Sahaym, JB Cullen
Strategic management journal 34 (8), 999-1009, 2013
From helping hands to harmful acts: When and how employee volunteering promotes workplace deviance.
TI Loi, KM Kuhn, A Sahaym, KD Butterfield, TM Tripp
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (9), 944, 2020
Exploring the innovation strategies of young firms: Corporate venture capital and venture capital impact on alliance innovation strategy
TL Galloway, DR Miller, A Sahaym, JD Arthurs
Journal of Business Research 71, 55-65, 2017
Turning liabilities of global operations into assets: IT-enabled social integration capacity and exploratory innovation
TJV Saldanha, A Sahaym, S Mithas, MG Andrade-Rojas, A Kathuria, ...
Information Systems Research 31 (2), 361-382, 2020
Interpersonal relationships, digital technologies, and innovation in entrepreneurial ventures
W Boeker, MD Howard, S Basu, A Sahaym
Journal of Business Research 125, 495-507, 2021
Parent inheritance, founder expertise, and venture strategy: Determinants of new venture knowledge impact
S Basu, A Sahaym, MD Howard, W Boeker
Journal of Business Venturing 30 (2), 322-337, 2015
Unpacking the antecedents of crowdfunding campaign’s success: The effects of social media and innovation orientation
A Datta, A Sahaym, S Brooks
Journal of Small Business Management 57, 462-488, 2019
The interplay of entrepreneurship education and national cultures in entrepreneurial activity: a social cognitive perspective
PP Oo, A Sahaym, S Juasrikul, SY Lee
Journal of International Entrepreneurship 16, 398-420, 2018
The influence of managerial discretion, innovation and uncertainty on export intensity: A real options perspective
A Sahaym, LJ Trevino, HK Steensma
International Business Review 21 (6), 1131-1147, 2012
Mixed blessings: How top management team heterogeneity and governance structure influence the use of corporate venture capital by post-IPO firms
A Sahaym, SY Cho, SK Kim, FT Mousa
Journal of Business Research 69 (3), 1208-1218, 2016
International diversification of the emerging-market enterprises: A multi-level examination
A Sahaym, D Nam
International Business Review 22 (2), 421-436, 2013
Board diversity and employee satisfaction: The mediating role of progressive programs
SA Creek, KM Kuhn, A Sahaym
Group & Organization Management 44 (3), 521-548, 2019
Alert and Awake: Role of alertness and attention on rate of new product introductions
S Srivastava, A Sahaym, TH Allison
Journal of Business Venturing 36 (4), 106023, 2021
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Articles 1–20