Sepe Vincenzo
Sepe Vincenzo
Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics, University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), Dept. Engineering and Geology
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Advanced frame element for seismic analysis of masonry structures: model formulation and validation
E Raka, E Spacone, V Sepe, G Camata
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 44 (14), 2489-2506, 2015
A method for large‐scale vulnerability assessment of historic towers
V Sepe, E Speranza, A Viskovic
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 15 (3), 389-415, 2008
Static loads to simulate dynamic effects of wind on hyperbolic paraboloid roofs with square plan
F Rizzo, V Sepe
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 137, 46-57, 2015
Dynamic identification of the tower of the Provincial Administration Building, Bari, Italy
M Diaferio, D Foti, V Sepe
Proceeding of the “11th International Conference on Civil, Structural and …, 2007
A" deformable section" model for the dynamics of suspension bridges. Part II: Nonlinear analysis and large amplitude oscillations
V Sepe, M Diaferio, G Augusti
Wind and Structures 6 (6), 451-470, 2003
A deformable section model for the dynamics of suspension bridges-Part I: Model and linear response
V Sepe, G Augusti
Wind and Structures 4 (1), 1-18, 2001
Aeroelastic instability of long-span suspended bridges: a multi-mode approach
P D'Asdia, V Sepe
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 74, 849-857, 1998
Modal model identification of structures under unmeasured seismic excitations
V Sepe, D Capecchi, M De Angelis
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 34 (7), 807-824, 2005
Modal model identification of structures under unmeasured seismic excitations
M De Angelis, V Sepe, D Capecchi
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics, 807-824, 2005
Modal model identification with unknown nonstationary base motion
D Capecchi, M De Angelis, V Sepe
Meccanica 39 (1), 31-45, 2004
Influence of low-frequency wind speed fluctuations on the aeroelastic stability of suspension bridges
V Sepe, P D’Asdia
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 91 (10), 1285-1297, 2003
Coupled motion in the dynamic analysis of a three block structure
A Sinopoli, V Sepe
Applied Mechanics Reviews 46 (11S), S185-S197, 1993
Aeroelastic instability of long-span bridges: contributions to the analysis in frequency and time domains
V Sepe, L Caracoglia, P D'Asdia
Wind and Structures 3 (1), 41-58, 2000
Nonlinear Computer Model for the Simulation of Lock‐in Vibration on Long‐Span Bridges
L Caracoglia, S Noč, V Sepe
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 24 (2), 130-144, 2009
Smoothed “slack cable” models for large amplitude oscillations of suspension bridges
M Diaferio, Prof. Vincenzo Sepe
Mechanics based design of structures and machines 32 (3), 363-400, 2004
Seismic analysis of masonry buildings: equivalent frame approach with fiber beam elements
V Sepe, E Spacone, E Raka, G Camata
Modal identification of damaged frames
M Diaferio, V Sepe
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2015
A model for vortex-shedding induced oscillations of long-span bridges
P D’Asdia, V Sepe, L Caracoglia, S Noč
Proceedings of the 2nd International Structural Engineering and Construction …, 2003
Further studies on seismic behavior and risk reduction for museum contents
G Augusti, M Ciampoli, V Sepe
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering …, 1994
Perfomance of wind exposed structures: results of the PERBACCO project
G Bartoli
Firenze University Press, 2006
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Articles 1–20