Sriram Sundararajan
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Cited by
Development of AFM-based techniques to measure mechanical properties of nanoscale structures
S Sundararajan, B Bhushan
Sensors and actuators A: Physical 101 (3), 338-351, 2002
Micro/nanoscale friction and wear mechanisms of thin films using atomic force and friction force microscopy
B Bhushan, S Sundararajan
Acta Materialia 46 (11), 3793-3804, 1998
Friction and wear behavior of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene as a function of polymer crystallinity
KSK Karuppiah, AL Bruck, S Sundararajan, J Wang, Z Lin, ZH Xu, X Li
Acta Biomaterialia 4 (5), 1401-1410, 2008
Topography-induced contributions to friction forces measured using an atomic force/friction force microscope
S Sundararajan, B Bhushan
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (8), 4825-4831, 2000
Micro/nanotribological studies of polysilicon and SiC films for MEMS applications
S Sundararajan, B Bhushan
Wear 217 (2), 251-261, 1998
Superhydrophobic coatings on Portland cement concrete surfaces
A Arabzadeh, H Ceylan, S Kim, K Gopalakrishnan, A Sassani, ...
Construction and Building Materials 141, 393-401, 2017
Mechanical property measurements of nanoscale structures using an atomic force microscope
S Sundararajan, B Bhushan, T Namazu, Y Isono
Ultramicroscopy 91 (1-4), 111-118, 2002
Micro/nanotribology of ultra-thin hard amorphous carbon coatings using atomic force/friction force microscopy
S Sundararajan, B Bhushan
Wear 225, 678-689, 1999
A test method for determining adhesion forces and Hamaker constants of cementitious materials using atomic force microscopy
G Lomboy, S Sundararajan, K Wang, S Subramaniam
Cement and concrete research 41 (11), 1157-1166, 2011
Static friction and surface roughness studies of surface micromachined electrostatic micromotors using an atomic force/friction force microscope
S Sundararajan, B Bhushan
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 19 (4 …, 2001
The effect of heat treatment routes on the retained austenite and Tribomechanical properties of carburized AISI 8620 steel
S Roy, S Sundararajan
Surface and Coatings Technology 308, 236-243, 2016
Development of a continuous microscratch technique in an atomic force microscope and its application to study scratch resistance of ultrathin hard amorphous carbon coatings
S Sundararajan, B Bhushan
Journal of Materials Research 16 (2), 437-445, 2001
Investigating the effect of retained austenite and residual stress on rolling contact fatigue of carburized steel with XFEM and experimental approaches
GTC Ooi, S Roy, S Sundararajan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 732, 311-319, 2018
The effect of protein adsorption on the friction behavior of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene
KSK Karuppiah, S Sundararajan, ZH Xu, X Li
Tribology Letters 22, 181-188, 2006
Synthesis and physical properties of potential biolubricants based on ricinoleic acid
L Yao, EG Hammond, T Wang, S Bhuyan, S Sundararajan
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 87, 937-945, 2010
The effect of autocorrelation length on the real area of contact and friction behavior of rough surfaces
Y Zhang, S Sundararajan
Journal of applied physics 97 (10), 2005
Effect of laser treatment parameters on surface modification and tribological behavior of AISI 8620 steel
S Roy, J Zhao, P Shrotriya, S Sundararajan
Tribology International 112, 94-102, 2017
Iterative control approach to high-speed force-distance curve measurement using AFM: time-dependent response of PDMS example
KS Kim, Z Lin, P Shrotriya, S Sundararajan, Q Zou
Ultramicroscopy 108 (9), 911-920, 2008
Effect of microfabrication processes on surface roughness parameters of silicon surfaces
S Chandrasekaran, S Sundararajan
Surface and coatings technology 188, 581-587, 2004
Effect of retained austenite on micropitting behavior of carburized AISI 8620 steel under boundary lubrication
S Roy, GTC Ooi, S Sundararajan
Materialia 3, 192-201, 2018
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Articles 1–20