Ümit Aygölü
Ümit Aygölü
Professor of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
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Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Index Modulation
E Basar, U Aygolu, E Panayirci, V Poor
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (20), 5536-5549, 2013
Space-time block coded spatial modulation
E Basar, U Aygolu, E Panayirci, V Poor
IEEE Transactions on Communications 59 (3), 823-832, 2011
Performance of Spatial Modulation in the Presence of Channel Estimation Errors
E Basar, U Aygolu, E Panayirci, V Poor
IEEE Communications Letters, 1-4, 2012
New trellis code design for spatial modulation
E Basar, U Aygolu, E Panayirci, V Poor
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10 (8), 2670-2680, 2011
BER Analysis of Dual-Hop Relaying with Energy Harvesting in Nakagami-m Fading Channel
M Babaei, Ü Aygölü, E Basar
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (7), 4352 - 4361, 2018
High-rate full-diversity space-time block codes for three and four transmit antennas
E Basar, U Aygolu
IET Communications 3 (8), 1371-1378, 2009
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation in the presence of high mobility
E Başar, Ü Aygölü, E Panaylrcl
Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), 2013 First International Black …, 2013
BER performance of full-duplex cognitive radio network with nonlinear energy harvesting
M Babaei, Ü Aygölü, M Başaran, L Durak-Ata
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 4 (2), 448-460, 2020
Full rate full diversity space-time block code selection for more than two transmit antennas
ME Celebi, S Sahin, U Aygolu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6 (1), 16-19, 2007
Multiple‐input–multiple‐output cooperative spatial modulation systems
G Altın, Ü Aygölü, E Basar, ME Çelebi
IET Communications 11 (15), 2289-2296, 2017
Super-orthogonal trellis-coded spatial modulation
E Basar, U Aygolu, E Panayirci, V Poor
IET Communications 6 (17), 2922-2932, 2012
Space-time block coding for spatial modulation
E Başar, Ü Aygölü, E Panayırcı, HV Poor
21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2010
Full-rate full-diversity STBCs for three and four transmit antennas
E Başar, Ü Aygölü
Electronics Letters 44 (18), 1076-1077, 2008
Corrections on" Cooperative Communications Using Reliability-Forwarding Relays"
U Aygolu, E Basar
IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (9), 4030, 2013
Increasing diversity with feedback: Balanced space-time block coding
ME Celebi, S Sahin, U Aygolu
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2006. ICC'06. 10, 4836-4841, 2006
Outage probability analysis of cooperative spatial modulation systems
G Altın, U Aygolu, E Basar, ME Çelebi
Telecommunications (ICT), 2016 23rd International Conference on, 1-5, 2016
Performance Analysis of Cooperative Spatial Modulation with Multiple-Antennas at Relay
G Altın, E Başar, Ü Aygölü, ME Çelebi
IEEE 4th International Blacksea Conference on Communications and Networking, 2016
Super-orthogonal space-time-frequency trellis coded OFDM
K Aksoy, U Aygolu
IET Communications 1 (3), 317-324, 2007
A Reliable Successive Relaying Protocol
E Basar, U Aygolu, E Panayirci, H Poor
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-13, 2014
Performance analysis of cooperative spectrum sharing for cognitive radio networks using spatial modulation at secondary users
S Ustunbas, E Basar, U Aygolu
2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular technology conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2016
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Articles 1–20