Edgar Bernat-Ponce
Edgar Bernat-Ponce
Universidad Europea de Valencia
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Factors affecting the abundance of House Sparrows Passer domesticus in urban areas of southeast of Spain
E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado, D Guijarro
Bird Study 65 (3), 404-416, 2018
Replacement of semi-natural cover with artificial substrates in urban parks causes a decline of house sparrows Passer domesticus in Mediterranean towns
E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado, GM López-Iborra
Urban Ecosystems 23 (3), 471-481, 2020
Recreational noise pollution of traditional festivals reduces the juvenile productivity of an avian urban bioindicator
E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado, GM López-Iborra
Environmental Pollution 286, 117247, 2021
Effect of replacing surface with underground rubbish containers on urban House Sparrows Passer domesticus
E Bernat-Ponce, D Ferrer, JA Gil-Delgado, GM López-Iborra
Urban Ecosystems 25 (1), 121-132, 2022
Efectos de las características de las ciudades occidentales contemporáneas sobre la avifauna urbana
E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado, GM López-Iborra
Ecosistemas 31 (1), 2158-2158, 2022
Urban landscape selection by Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) in eastern Spain
AO Bermúdez-Cavero, E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado, GM López-lborra
Caldasia 43 (1), 138-148, 2021
Artificial grass in parks as a potential new threat for urban bird communities
D Sánchez-Sotomayor, A Martín-Higuera, JA Gil-Delgado, Á Gálvez, ...
Bird Conservation International 33, e16, 2023
Eating in the city: Experimental effect of anthropogenic food resources on the body condition, nutritional status, and oxidative stress of an urban bioindicator passerine
E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado, JV Guardiola, GM López-Iborra
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 2023
Plastic debris in nests of two water bird species breeding on inland saline lakes in a mediterranean biosphere reserve
Á Luna, JA Gil-Delgado, E Bernat-Ponce
Animals 12 (22), 3222, 2022
Do birds select the plastics debris used for nest construction? A case study in a Mediterranean agricultural landscape
MJ Espinoza, I Laviada, AT Cerezo, Á Luna, JA Gil-Delgado, ...
Environmental Research 255, 119117, 2024
Urban structure changes and environmental factors of Valencian Community towns as potential drivers of the House Sparrow decline Cambios en la estructura urbana y factores …
E Bernat-Ponce
Urban structure changes and environmental factors of Valencian Community …, 2022
Underground trash containers: bad times for the House Sparrow?
E Bernat-Ponce, DF Ferrando, JA Gil-Delgado, GM López-Iborra
International Studies on Sparrows, 2019
House Sparrow Nesting Site Selection in Urban Environments: A Multivariate Approach in Mediterranean Spain
E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado, GM López-Iborra
Urban Science 8 (3), 108, 2024
Habitat selection by invaders: Avoiding natural habitats by the red‐whiskered bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus
E Bernat‐Ponce, L Domínguez‐Pérez, JA Gil‐Delgado
Ecological Research 39 (2), 182-191, 2024
Anting behaviour in wild Strigiformes? A video-case in the Little Owl Athene noctua
S Bernat-Ponce, D Musitu-Ferrer, E Bernat-Ponce
Ornithological Science 23 (2), 119-123, 2024
El efecto de los observadores y la estructura urbana en las estimaciones poblacionales en la tórtola turca (Streptopelia decaocto)
AO Bermúdez-Cavero, E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil-Delgado Alberti, ...
Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, 2023
Avian malaria in House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations in anthropized areas of Valencian Community, Spain
A Pérez Márquez, C Nuévalos Tello, JA Gil Delgado, P Vera García, ...
Universidad de Valencia, 2023
Seasonal Survival Patterns in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) in Urban Environments: a study case in a Mediterranean city
E Bernat Ponce, JA Gil Delgado, GM López Iborra
Universidad de Valencia, 2023
Tree sparrow nests as indicators of plastic pollution in anthropized environments
M Monfort-Calatayud, E Barba, E Bernat-Ponce, JA Gil Delgado
Universidad de Valencia, 2023
Efficient non-invasive monitoring of an ecologically relevant physiological trait using thermal imaging of wild birds
E Bernat Ponce, R MacLeod, RG Nager
University of Lund, 2022
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Articles 1–20