Matteo Pelucchi
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Cited by
Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: fossil and biomass‐derived transportation fuels
E Ranzi, A Frassoldati, A Stagni, M Pelucchi, A Cuoci, T Faravelli
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 46 (9), 512-542, 2014
The chemistry of chemical recycling of solid plastic waste via pyrolysis and gasification: State-of-the-art, challenges, and future directions
O Dogu, M Pelucchi, R Van de Vijver, PHM Van Steenberge, DR D'hooge, ...
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 84, 100901, 2021
New reaction classes in the kinetic modeling of low temperature oxidation of n-alkanes
E Ranzi, C Cavallotti, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, M Pelucchi, T Faravelli
Combustion and flame 162 (5), 1679-1691, 2015
Comprehensive kinetic study of combustion technologies for low environmental impact: MILD and OXY-fuel combustion of methane
G Bagheri, E Ranzi, M Pelucchi, A Parente, A Frassoldati, T Faravelli
Combustion and flame 212, 142-155, 2020
Examination of a soot model in premixed laminar flames at fuel-rich conditions
W Pejpichestakul, E Ranzi, M Pelucchi, A Frassoldati, A Cuoci, A Parente, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (1), 1013-1021, 2019
Improved Kinetic Model of the Low-Temperature Oxidation of n-Heptane
M Pelucchi, M Bissoli, C Cavallotti, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, A Frassoldati, ...
Energy & fuels 28 (11), 7178-7193, 2014
EStokTP: electronic structure to temperature-and pressure-dependent rate constants—a code for automatically predicting the thermal kinetics of reactions
C Cavallotti, M Pelucchi, Y Georgievskii, SJ Klippenstein
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (2), 1122-1145, 2018
H-Abstraction reactions by OH, HO 2, O, O 2 and benzyl radical addition to O 2 and their implications for kinetic modelling of toluene oxidation
M Pelucchi, C Cavallotti, T Faravelli, SJ Klippenstein
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (16), 10607-10627, 2018
Detailed kinetic mechanism of gas-phase reactions of volatiles released from biomass pyrolysis
PEA Debiagi, G Gentile, M Pelucchi, A Frassoldati, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 93, 60-71, 2016
An evolutionary, data-driven approach for mechanism optimization: theory and application to ammonia combustion
A Bertolino, M Fürst, A Stagni, A Frassoldati, M Pelucchi, C Cavallotti, ...
Combustion and Flame 229, 111366, 2021
A new detailed kinetic model for surrogate fuels: C3MechV3. 3
S Dong, SW Wagnon, LP Maffei, G Kukkadapu, A Nobili, Q Mao, ...
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 9, 100043, 2022
Automated computational thermochemistry for butane oxidation: A prelude to predictive automated combustion kinetics
M Keçeli, SN Elliott, YP Li, MS Johnson, C Cavallotti, Y Georgievskii, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (1), 363-371, 2019
Detailed kinetics of substituted phenolic species in pyrolysis bio-oils
M Pelucchi, C Cavallotti, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, A Frassoldati, E Ranzi
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 4 (3), 490-506, 2019
Laminar flame speeds of pentanol isomers: An experimental and modeling study
D Nativel, M Pelucchi, A Frassoldati, A Comandini, A Cuoci, E Ranzi, ...
Combustion and Flame 166, 1-18, 2016
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of the pyrolysis and oxidation of n-C3C5 aldehydes in shock tubes
M Pelucchi, KP Somers, K Yasunaga, U Burke, A Frassoldati, E Ranzi, ...
Combustion and Flame 162 (2), 265-286, 2015
High-temperature chemistry of HCl and Cl2
M Pelucchi, A Frassoldati, T Faravelli, B Ruscic, P Glarborg
Combustion and Flame 162 (6), 2693-2704, 2015
Relative reactivity of oxygenated fuels: alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and methyl esters
M Pelucchi, C Cavallotti, E Ranzi, A Frassoldati, T Faravelli
Energy & Fuels 30 (10), 8665-8679, 2016
Analysis of acetic acid gas phase reactivity: Rate constant estimation and kinetic simulations
C Cavallotti, M Pelucchi, A Frassoldati
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (1), 539-546, 2019
HȮ2+ HȮ2: High level theory and the role of singlet channels
SJ Klippenstein, R Sivaramakrishnan, U Burke, KP Somers, HJ Curran, ...
Combustion and Flame 243, 111975, 2022
Theoretical study of sensitive reactions in phenol decomposition
LP Maffei, M Pelucchi, T Faravelli, C Cavallotti
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 5 (3), 452-472, 2020
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Articles 1–20