Sebastián Echeverri Restrepo
Sebastián Echeverri Restrepo
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Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview
AI Vakis, VA Yastrebov, J Scheibert, L Nicola, D Dini, C Minfray, ...
Tribology International 125, 169-199, 2018
Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Stearic Acid Adsorbed on Iron Surfaces with Nanoscale Roughness
JP Ewen, S Echeverri Restrepo, N Morgan, D Dini
Tribology International, 2016
Density functional theory calculations of iron-vanadium carbide interfaces and the effect of hydrogen
S Echeverri Restrepo, D Di Stefano, M Mrovec, AT Paxton
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019
Using artificial neural networks to predict grain boundary energies
S Echeverri Restrepo, S Tamayo Giraldo, BJ Thijsse
Computational Materials Science 86, 170-173, 2014
Dark etching regions under rolling contact fatigue: a review
S Echeverri Restrepo, SW Ooi, P Yan, P Andric, RH Vegter, J Lai
Materials Science and Technology 37 (4), 347-376, 2021
Predicting dislocation density in martensite ab-initio
P Andric, S Echeverri Restrepo, F Maresca
Acta Materialia 243, 118500, 2023
Behaviour of n-alkanes confined between iron oxide surfaces at high pressure and shear rate: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study
S Echeverri Restrepo, MCP van Eijk, JP Ewen
Tribology International, 2019
A genetic algorithm for generating grain boundaries
S Echeverri Restrepo, S Tamayo Giraldo, BJ Thijsse
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21 (5), 055017, 2013
Effect of hydrogen on vacancy diffusion
S Echeverri Restrepo, H Lambert, AT Paxton
Physical Review Materials 4 (11), 113601, 2020
On the interpretation of deep learning models in bearing vibration diagnostics
M Liefstingh, C Taal, S Echeverri Restrepo, A Azarfar
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 13 (1), 2021
Atomistic relaxation of systems containing plasticity elements
S Echeverri Restrepo, MHF Sluiter, BJ Thijsse
Computational Materials Science 73, 154-160, 2013
Mechanistic driving force for martensite decay in rolling contact fatigue
P Andric, S Echeverri Restrepo, J Lai, CH Venner, E Vegter
Tribology International, 108470, 2023
Density functional theory characterisation of cementite (Fe3C) with substitutional molybdenum (Mo) atoms
S Echeverri Restrepo
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 413669, 2022
ABC-FIRE: Accelerated Bias-Corrected Fast Inertial Relaxation Engine
S Echeverri Restrepo, P Andric
Computational Materials Science 218, 111978, 2023
Effect of crystal defects in iron on carbon diffusivity: Analytical model married to atomistics
S Echeverri Restrepo, P Andric, AT Paxton
Physical Review Materials 6 (10), L100801, 2022
Recherche opérationnelle appliquée à la gestion industrielle
S Tamayo, R Cardin, S Echeverri Restrepo, D Pino
ISBN-13: 978-1530248728 1, 286, 2016
Atomistic and Artificial Intelligence Simulations of Grain Boundaries and Dislocations
S Echeverri Restrepo
Towards a Virtual Laboratory for Grain Boundaries and Dislocations
S Echeverri Restrepo, BJ Thijsse
MRS Proceedings 1224, 1224-GG05-03, 2009
A Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Model for the Simulation of Lubricating Greases
A Benois, S Echeverri Restrepo, N De Laurentis, F Hogenberk, A Giuntoli, ...
Tribology Letters 72 (3), 78, 2024
A Computer Vision Deep Learning Tool for Automatic Recognition of Bearing Failure Modes
S Baggerohr, C Taal, S Echeverri Restrepo, M Chennaoui, C Matta
PHM Society European Conference 8 (1), 5-5, 2024
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Articles 1–20