Raul Oscar Vallejos
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Cited by
Measuring the Lyapunov exponent using quantum mechanics
FM Cucchietti, CH Lewenkopf, ER Mucciolo, HM Pastawski, RO Vallejos
Physical Review E 65 (4), 046209, 2002
Specific heat anomalies associated with Cantor-set energy spectra
C Tsallis, LR da Silva, RS Mendes, RO Vallejos, AM Mariz
Physical Review E 56 (5), R4922, 1997
Coulomb blockade peak spacing fluctuations in deformable quantum dots: A further test of random matrix theory
RO Vallejos, CH Lewenkopf, ER Mucciolo
Physical review letters 81 (3), 677, 1998
How do wave packets spread? Time evolution on Ehrenfest time scales
R Schubert, RO Vallejos, F Toscano
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (21), 215307, 2012
Orbit bifurcations and the scarring of wave functions
JP Keating, SD Prado
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2001
Random matrix ensembles from nonextensive entropy
F Toscano, RO Vallejos, C Tsallis
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (6 …, 2004
Fano resonances in the conductance of quantum dots with mixed dynamics
M Mendoza, PA Schulz, RO Vallejos, CH Lewenkopf
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (15), 155307, 2008
Connection between energy spectrum, self-similarity, and specific heat log-periodicity
RO Vallejos, RS Mendes, LR da Silva, C Tsallis
Physical Review E 58 (2), 1346, 1998
Scaling laws for the largest Lyapunov exponent in long-range systems: A random matrix approach
C Anteneodo, RO Vallejos
Physical Review E 65 (1), 016210, 2001
Semiclassical propagation of gaussian wave packets
RNP Maia, F Nicacio, RO Vallejos, F Toscano
Physical review letters 100 (18), 184102, 2008
The quantized D‐transformation
M Saraceno, RO Vallejos
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 6 (2), 193-199, 1996
Theoretical estimates for the largest Lyapunov exponent of many-particle systems
RO Vallejos, C Anteneodo
Physical Review E 66 (2), 021110, 2002
Phase space structure of generalized Gaussian cat states
F Nicacio, RNP Maia, F Toscano, RO Vallejos
Physics Letters A 374 (43), 4385-4392, 2010
Quantum time delay in chaotic scattering: a semiclassical approach
RO Vallejos, AMO de Almeida, CH Lewenkopf
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (21), 4885, 1998
Thermodynamical fingerprints of fractal spectra
RO Vallejos, C Anteneodo
Physical Review E 58 (4), 4134, 1998
Quantum revival patterns from classical phase-space trajectories
GM Lando, RO Vallejos, GL Ingold, AMO de Almeida
Physical Review A 99 (4), 042125, 2019
Initial or final values for semiclassical evolutions in the Weyl–Wigner representation
AMO de Almeida, RO Vallejos, E Zambrano
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (13), 135304, 2013
Pure state correlations: chords in phase space
AMO de Almeida, RO Vallejos, M Saraceno
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (7), 1473, 2005
Specific heat of multifractal energy spectra
LR da Silva, RO Vallejos, C Tsallis, RS Mendes, S Roux
Physical Review E 64 (1), 011104, 2001
Coulomb-blockade conductance-peak-height fluctuations in quantum dots and the independent-particle model
RO Vallejos, CH Lewenkopf, ER Mucciolo
Physical Review B 60 (19), 13682, 1999
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Articles 1–20