Mahadevan Krishnan
Mahadevan Krishnan
President, Alameda applied sciences corporation
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Cited by
Cited by
Magnetically enhanced vacuum arc thruster
M Keidar, J Schein, K Wilson, A Gerhan, M Au, B Tang, L Idzkowski, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 14 (4), 661, 2005
The dense plasma focus: A versatile dense pinch for diverse applications
M Krishnan
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40 (12), 3189-3221, 2012
Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: Galaxy-galaxy lensing
J Prat, C Sánchez, Y Fang, D Gruen, J Elvin-Poole, N Kokron, LF Secco, ...
Physical Review D 98 (4), 042005, 2018
Plasma centrifuge
M Krishnan, M Geva, JL Hirshfield
Physical Review Letters 46 (1), 36, 1981
Inductive energy storage driven vacuum arc thruster
J Schein, N Qi, R Binder, M Krishnan, JK Ziemer, JE Polk, A Anders
Review of Scientific Instruments 73 (2), 925-927, 2002
A two-level model for K-shell radiation scaling of the imploding Z-pinch plasma radiation source
D Mosher, N Qi, M Krishnan
IEEE transactions on plasma science 26 (3), 1052-1061, 1998
Element and isotope separation in a vacuum‐arc centrifuge
M Geva, M Krishnan, JL Hirshfield
Journal of applied physics 56 (5), 1398-1413, 1984
Centrifugal isotope separation in zirconium plasmas
M Krishnan
The Physics of fluids 26 (9), 2676-2682, 1983
Compact sub-kilojoule range fast miniature plasma focus as portable neutron source
R Verma, MV Roshan, F Malik, P Lee, S Lee, SV Springham, TL Tan, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 17 (4), 045020, 2008
Quantitative x‐ray emission from a DPF device
PG Burkhalter, G Mehlman, DA Newman, M Krishnan, RR Prasad
Review of scientific instruments 63 (10), 5052-5055, 1992
Theoretical and experimental study of rotation in a vacuum‐arc centrifuge
RR Prasad, M Krishnan
Journal of applied physics 61 (1), 113-119, 1987
Photopumping of a C i i i ultraviolet laser by Mn v i line radiation
N Qi, M Krishnan
Physical review letters 59 (18), 2051, 1987
Gas turbine engine brush seal applications
G Holle, M Krishnan
26th Joint propulsion conference, 2142, 1990
Space and time resolved electron density and current measurements in a dense plasma focus Z-pinch
N Qi, SF Fulghum, RR Prasad, M Krishnan
IEEE transactions on plasma science 26 (4), 1127-1137, 1998
Experimental study of neutron emission characteristics in a compact sub-kilojoule range miniature plasma focus device
R Verma, RS Rawat, P Lee, M Krishnan, SV Springham, TL Tan
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 (7), 075008, 2009
Physical processes in hollow cathodes
M Krishnan, RG Jahn, WF Von Jaskowsky, KE Clark
Aiaa Journal 15 (9), 1217-1223, 1977
Interaction of a supersonic, radiatively cooled plasma jet with an ambient medium
F Suzuki-Vidal, M Bocchi, SV Lebedev, GF Swadling, G Burdiak, ...
Physics of Plasmas 19 (2), 2012
Z pinch imploding plasma density profile measurements using a two-frame laser shearing interferometer
N Qi, J Schein, J Thompson, P Coleman, M McFarland, RR Prasad, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 30 (1), 227-238, 2002
A renewed capability for gas puff science on Sandia's Z machine
B Jones, CA Jennings, DC Lamppa, SB Hansen, AJ Harvey-Thompson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42 (5), 1145-1152, 2013
Coaxial plasma arc vapor deposition apparatus and method
MD McFarland, M Krishnan, JD Wright, AN Gerhan, B Tang
US Patent 7,867,366, 2011
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Articles 1–20