Xiao-Min Tong
Xiao-Min Tong
Associate Professor, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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Theory of molecular tunneling ionization
XM Tong, ZX Zhao, CD Lin
Physical Review A 66 (3), 033402, 2002
Empirical formula for static field ionization rates of atoms and molecules by lasers in the barrier-suppression regime
XM Tong, CD Lin
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (15), 2593, 2005
Theoretical study of multiple high-order harmonic generation by intense ultrashort pulsed laser fields: A new generalized pseudospectral time-dependent method
XM Tong, SI Chu
Chemical Physics 217 (2-3), 119-130, 1997
Effects Of Molecular Structure on Ion Disintegration Patterns In Ionization of O_ {2} and N_ {2} by Short Laser Pulses
AS Alnaser, S Voss, XM Tong, CM Maharjan, P Ranitovic, B Ulrich, ...
Physical review letters 93 (11), 113003, 2004
Soft X-ray-driven femtosecond molecular dynamics
E Gagnon, P Ranitovic, XM Tong, CL Cocke, MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn, ...
Science 317 (5843), 1374, 2007
Probing the spectral and temporal structures of high-order harmonic generation in intense laser pulses
XM Tong, SI Chu
Physical Review A 61 (2), 021802, 2000
Direct Visualization of Laser-Driven Electron Multiple Scattering and Tunneling Distance<? format?> in Strong-Field Ionization
DD Hickstein, P Ranitovic, S Witte, XM Tong, Y Huismans, P Arpin, ...
Physical review letters 109 (7), 073004, 2012
Density-functional theory with optimized effective potential and self-interaction correction for ground states and autoionizing resonances
XM Tong, SI Chu
Physical Review A 55 (5), 3406, 1997
Ab initio multiscale simulation of high-order harmonic generation in solids
I Floss, C Lemell, G Wachter, V Smejkal, SA Sato, XM Tong, K Yabana, ...
Physical Review A 97 (1), 011401, 2018
Phase-dependent atomic ionization in few-cycle intense laser fields
XM Tong, K Hino, N Toshima
Physical review A 74 (3), 031405, 2006
Routes to Control of H_ {2} Coulomb Explosion in Few-Cycle Laser Pulses
AS Alnaser, XM Tong, T Osipov, S Voss, CM Maharjan, P Ranitovic, ...
Physical review letters 93 (18), 183202, 2004
Time-dependent density-functional theory for strong-field multiphoton processes: Application to the study of the role of dynamical electron correlation in multiple high-order …
XM Tong, SI Chu
Physical Review A 57 (1), 452, 1998
Laser-peak-intensity calibration using recoil-ion momentum imaging
AS Alnaser, XM Tong, T Osipov, S Voss, CM Maharjan, B Shan, Z Chang, ...
Physical Review A 70 (2), 023413, 2004
Attosecond vacuum UV coherent control of molecular dynamics
P Ranitovic, CW Hogle, P Rivière, A Palacios, XM Tong, N Toshima, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (3), 912-917, 2014
Strong-field ionization with two-color circularly polarized laser fields
CA Mancuso, DD Hickstein, P Grychtol, R Knut, O Kfir, XM Tong, F Dollar, ...
Physical Review A 91 (3), 031402, 2015
Analysis of two-dimensional photoelectron momentum spectra and the effect of the long-range Coulomb potential in single ionization of atoms by intense lasers
Z Chen, T Morishita, AT Le, M Wickenhauser, XM Tong, CD Lin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (5), 053405, 2006
Rescattering Double Ionization of D_ {2} and H_ {2} by Intense Laser Pulses
AS Alnaser, T Osipov, EP Benis, A Wech, B Shan, CL Cocke, XM Tong, ...
Physical review letters 91 (16), 163002, 2003
Creation and control of a single coherent attosecond xuv pulse by few-cycle intense laser pulses
JJ Carrera, XM Tong, SI Chu
Physical review A 74 (2), 023404, 2006
Alignment dependence of high-order harmonic generation from N_ {2} and O_ {2} molecules in intense laser fields
XX Zhou, XM Tong, ZX Zhao, CD Lin
Physical Review A 72 (3), 033412, 2005
Electron emission from metal surfaces by ultrashort pulses: Determination of the carrier-envelope phase
C Lemell, XM Tong, F Krausz, J Burgdörfer
Physical review letters 90 (7), 76403, 2003
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Articles 1–20