Ana Rita Grosso
Ana Rita Grosso
UCIBIO, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
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Mammalian NET-seq reveals genome-wide nascent transcription coupled to RNA processing
T Nojima, T Gomes, ARF Grosso, H Kimura, MJ Dye, S Dhir, ...
Cell 161 (3), 526-540, 2015
Splicing enhances recruitment of methyltransferase HYPB/Setd2 and methylation of histone H3 Lys36
SF De Almeida, AR Grosso, F Koch, R Fenouil, S Carvalho, J Andrade, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 18 (9), 977-983, 2011
The emerging role of splicing factors in cancer
AR Grosso, S Martins, M Carmo‐Fonseca
EMBO reports 9 (11), 1087-1093, 2008
Tissue-specific splicing factor gene expression signatures
AR Grosso, AQ Gomes, NL Barbosa-Morais, S Caldeira, NP Thorne, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (15), 4823-4832, 2008
Protective role of the inflammatory CCR2/CCL2 chemokine pathway through recruitment of type 1 cytotoxic γδ T lymphocytes to tumor beds
T Lança, MF Costa, N Gonçalves-Sousa, M Rei, AR Grosso, C Penido, ...
The Journal of Immunology 190 (12), 6673-6680, 2013
Histone methyltransferase SETD2 coordinates FACT recruitment with nucleosome dynamics during transcription
S Carvalho, AC Raposo, FB Martins, AR Grosso, SC Sridhara, J Rino, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (5), 2881-2893, 2013
Nutrient sensing modulates malaria parasite virulence
L Mancio-Silva, K Slavic, MT Grilo Ruivo, AR Grosso, KK Modrzynska, ...
Nature 547 (7662), 213-216, 2017
RNA polymerase II phosphorylated on CTD serine 5 interacts with the spliceosome during co-transcriptional splicing
T Nojima, K Rebelo, T Gomes, AR Grosso, NJ Proudfoot, ...
Molecular cell 72 (2), 369-379. e4, 2018
Pervasive transcription read-through promotes aberrant expression of oncogenes and RNA chimeras in renal carcinoma
AR Grosso, AP Leite, S Carvalho, MR Matos, FB Martins, AC Vítor, ...
Elife 4, e09214, 2015
Introns protect eukaryotic genomes from transcription-associated genetic instability
A Bonnet, AR Grosso, A Elkaoutari, E Coleno, A Presle, SC Sridhara, ...
Molecular cell 67 (4), 608-621. e6, 2017
TCR signal strength controls thymic differentiation of discrete proinflammatory γδ T cell subsets
M Muñoz-Ruiz, JC Ribot, AR Grosso, N Gonçalves-Sousa, A Pamplona, ...
Nature immunology 17 (6), 721-727, 2016
Host cell transcriptional profiling during malaria liver stage infection reveals a coordinated and sequential set of biological events
SS Albuquerque, C Carret, AR Grosso, AS Tarun, X Peng, SHI Kappe, ...
BMC genomics 10, 1-13, 2009
Epigenetic and transcriptional signatures of stable versus plastic differentiation of proinflammatory γδ T cell subsets
N Schmolka, K Serre, AR Grosso, M Rei, DJ Pennington, AQ Gomes, ...
Nature immunology 14 (10), 1093-1100, 2013
Transcription dynamics prevent RNA-mediated genomic instability through SRPK2-dependent DDX23 phosphorylation
SC Sridhara, S Carvalho, AR Grosso, LM Gallego-Paez, ...
Cell reports 18 (2), 334-343, 2017
Control of endothelial quiescence by FOXO-regulated metabolites
J Andrade, C Shi, ASH Costa, J Choi, J Kim, A Doddaballapur, T Sugino, ...
Nature cell biology 23 (4), 413-423, 2021
Identification of a panel of ten cell surface protein antigens associated with immunotargeting of leukemias and lymphomas by peripheral blood γδ T cells
AQ Gomes, DV Correia, AR Grosso, T Lança, C Ferreira, JF Lacerda, ...
Haematologica 95 (8), 1397, 2010
Highly active microbial phosphoantigen induces rapid yet sustained MEK/Erk-and PI-3K/Akt-mediated signal transduction in anti-tumor human γδ T-cells
DV Correia, F d'Orey, BA Cardoso, T Lança, AR Grosso, A Debarros, ...
PLoS One 4 (5), e5657, 2009
Single-molecule imaging of transcription at damaged chromatin
AC Vítor, SC Sridhara, JC Sabino, AI Afonso, AR Grosso, RM Martin, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaau1249, 2019
Innate immune evasion revealed in a colorectal zebrafish xenograft model
V Póvoa, C Rebelo de Almeida, M Maia-Gil, D Sobral, M Domingues, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1156, 2021
Unconstrained mining of transcript data reveals increased alternative splicing complexity in the human transcriptome
IG Mollet, C Ben-Dov, D Felicio-Silva, AR Grosso, P Eleuterio, R Alves, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (14), 4740-4754, 2010
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Articles 1–20