Byeongjun Yu
Byeongjun Yu
LigaChem Biosciences
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Cited by
Multistimuli‐responsive bilirubin nanoparticles for anticancer therapy
Y Lee, S Lee, DY Lee, B Yu, W Miao, S Jon
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (36), 10676-10680, 2016
Prevention of bacterial colonization on catheters by a one-step coating process involving an antibiofouling polymer in water
H Keum, JY Kim, B Yu, SJ Yu, J Kim, H Jeon, DY Lee, SG Im, S Jon
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (23), 19736-19745, 2017
Ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of miRNA-21 using a zinc finger protein specific to DNA–RNA hybrids
CS Fang, K Kim, B Yu, S Jon, MS Kim, H Yang
Analytical chemistry 89 (3), 2024-2031, 2017
Sequential and timely combination of a cancer nanovaccine with immune checkpoint blockade effectively inhibits tumor growth and relapse
Y Kim, S Kang, H Shin, T Kim, B Yu, J Kim, D Yoo, S Jon
Angewandte Chemie 132 (34), 14736-14746, 2020
Solid-phase recombinase polymerase amplification using an extremely low concentration of a solution primer for sensitive electrochemical detection of hepatitis B viral DNA
AM Ichzan, SH Hwang, H Cho, C San Fang, S Park, G Kim, J Kim, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 179, 113065, 2021
Enhanced electron transfer mediated by conjugated polyelectrolyte and its application to washing-free DNA detection
S Park, JE Jeong, VS Le, J Seo, B Yu, DY Kim, SH Kwon, S Jon, HY Woo, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (7), 2409-2412, 2018
Electrochemical detection of interleukin-8 in human saliva using a polyenzyme label based on diaphorase and neutravidin
A Bhatia, HS Na, P Nandhakumar, B Yu, S Jon, J Chung, H Yang
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 326, 128979, 2021
Tubulin‐based nanotubes as delivery platform for microtubule‐targeting agents
J Kim, J Lee, J Lee, H Keum, Y Kim, Y Kim, B Yu, SY Lee, J Tanaka, S Jon, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (33), 2002902, 2020
Diaphorase-catalyzed formation of a formazan precipitate and its electrodissolution for sensitive affinity biosensors
AMJ Haque, P Nandhakumar, G Kim, S Park, B Yu, NS Lee, YH Yoon, ...
Analytical chemistry 92 (5), 3932-3939, 2020
A Hybrid Platform Based on a Bispecific Peptide–Antibody Complex for Targeted Cancer Therapy
B Yu, D Hwang, H Jeon, H Kim, Y Lee, H Keum, J Kim, DY Lee, Y Kim, ...
Angewandte Chemie 131 (7), 2027-2032, 2019
Gold nanorods with an ultrathin anti-biofouling siloxane layer for combinatorial anticancer therapy
J Kim, H Keum, H Kim, B Yu, W Jung, C Whang, C Seo, JH Park, S Jon
Journal of Drug Targeting 28 (7-8), 780-788, 2020
Effective Combination Immunotherapy through Vessel Normalization Using a Cancer‐Targeting Antiangiogenic Peptide–Antibody Hybrid
B Yu, D Yoo, KH Kim, TW Kim, S Park, Y Kim, Y Son, J Kim, I Noh, ...
Advanced Therapeutics 5 (4), 2100151, 2022
Drug‐Delivery Systems: Tubulin‐Based Nanotubes as Delivery Platform for Microtubule‐Targeting Agents (Adv. Mater. 33/2020)
J Kim, J Lee, J Lee, H Keum, Y Kim, Y Kim, B Yu, SY Lee, J Tanaka, S Jon, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (33), 2070244, 2020
Hybrid complex between bispecific peptide and antibody for targeted cancer therapy
B Yu, D Hwang, S Jon, J Chung
Cancer Research 79 (13_Supplement), 2999-2999, 2019
A bispecific aptibody as a novel platform for targeted cacner therapy
B Yu, D Hwang, H Jeon, H Keum, J Chung, S Jon
2017 Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting, 2017
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Articles 1–15