Richard P. Gangloff
Richard P. Gangloff
Other namesR.P. Gangloff, Richard Gangloff
Emeritus Ferman W. Perry Professor of Materials Science and Engineering University of Virginia
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Hydrogen assisted cracking of high strength alloys
RP Gangloff
Comprehensive Structural Integrity 6, 31-101, 2003
Gaseous Hydrogen Embrittlement of Materials in Energy Technologies: the Problem, its Characterisation and Effects on Particular Alloy Classes
RP Gangloff, BP Somerday
Elsevier, 2012
Hydrogen trap states in ultrahigh-strength AERMET 100 steel
D Li, RP Gangloff, JR Scully
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 35 (3), 849-864, 2004
Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels
RP Gangloff, RP Wei
Metallurgical Transactions A 8 (7), 1043-1053, 1977
Internal hydrogen embrittlement of ultrahigh-strength AERMET 100 steel
RLS Thomas, JR Scully, RP Gangloff
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 327-344, 2003
Trap-governed hydrogen diffusivity and uptake capacity in ultrahigh-strength AERMET 100 steel
RLS Thomas, D Li, RP Gangloff, JR Scully
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 33, 1991-2004, 2002
Strain gradient plasticity-based modeling of hydrogen environment assisted cracking
E Martínez-Pañeda, CF Niordson, RP Gangloff
Acta Materialia 117, 321-332, 2016
Environment-induced Cracking of Metals: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Environment-Induced Cracking of Metals
RP Gangloff, MB Ives
NACE International, 1990
Crack size effects on the chemical driving force for aqueous corrosion fatigue
RP Gangloff
Metallurgical Transactions A 16, 953-969, 1985
Corrosion fatigue crack propagation in metals
RP Gangloff
Environment Induced Cracking of Metals 10, 55-109, 1990
Effect of corrosion severity on fatigue evolution in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu
JT Burns, S Kim, RP Gangloff
Corrosion Science 52 (2), 498-508, 2010
Measurement and modeling of hydrogen environment–assisted cracking of ultra-high-strength steel
Y Lee, RP Gangloff
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 2174-2190, 2007
Influence of macro segregation on hydrogen environment embrittlement of SUS 316L stainless steel
T Michler, Y Lee, RP Gangloff, J Naumann
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34 (7), 3201-3209, 2009
Effect of artificial aging on the fatigue crack propagation resistance of 2000 series aluminum alloys
GH Bray, M Glazov, RJ Rioja, D Li, RP Gangloff
International Journal of Fatigue 23, 265-276, 2001
Driving forces for localized corrosion‐to‐fatigue crack transition in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu
JT Burns, JM Larsen, RP Gangloff
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 34 (10), 745-773, 2011
Environmental fatigue of an Al-Li-Cu alloy: part I. Intrinsic crack propagation kinetics in hydrogenous environments
RS Piascik, RP Gangloff
Metallurgical Transactions A 22 (10), 2415-2428, 1991
Measurement and modeling of hydrogen environment-assisted cracking in Monel K-500 (erratum)
RP Gangloff, HM Ha, JT Burns, JR Scully
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (10), 4724-4724, 2014
Measurement and modeling of hydrogen environment-assisted cracking in Monel K-500
RP Gangloff, HM Ha, JT Burns, JR Scully
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (10), 3814-3834, 2014
Fatigue crack formation and growth from localized corrosion in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu
S Kim, JT Burns, RP Gangloff
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76 (5), 651-667, 2009
Gaseous Hydrogen Embrittlement of Materials in Energy Technologies: Mechanisms, Modeling and Future Developments
RP Gangloff, BP Somerday
Elsevier, 2012
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