Samuel Greaves
Samuel Greaves
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Cited by
Using environmental DNA methods to improve winter surveys for rare carnivores: DNA from snow and improved noninvasive techniques
TW Franklin, KS McKelvey, JD Golding, DH Mason, JC Dysthe, KL Pilgrim, ...
Biological Conservation 229, 50-58, 2019
Genomic and morphological evidence of distinct populations in the endemic common (weedy) seadragon Phyllopteryx taeniolatus (Syngnathidae) along the east …
OS Klanten, MR Gaither, S Greaves, K Mills, K O’Keeffe, J Turnbull, ...
PloS one 15 (12), e0243446, 2020
Species occurrence data from the aquatic eDNAtlas database
MK Young, DJ Isaak, MK Schwartz, KS McKelvey, DE Nagel, TW Franklin, ...
Does color matter? Molecular and ecological divergence in four sympatric color morphs of a coral reef fish
MR Gaither, DJ Coker, S Greaves, F Sarigol, SD Payet, V Chaidez, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (18), 9663-9681, 2020
Repurposing environmental DNA samples to verify the distribution of Rocky Mountain tailed frogs in the Warm Springs Creek Basin, Montana
TW Franklin, TM Wilcox, KS McKelvey, SE Greaves, JC Dysthe, ...
Northwest Science 93 (1), 85-92, 2019
The physiology of rapid ecological specialization: a look at the Midas cichlids
MR Gaither, S Greaves, P Amirthalingam
Molecular Ecology 29 (7), 1215-1218, 2020
Lack of population structure in an important fishery species of mud shrimp, Trypaea australiensis
RL Kirby, CYM Froehlich, S Greaves, OS Klanten, MYL Wong
Fisheries Management and Ecology 31 (3), e12682, 2024
The Silent Treatment: The Consequences of Synonymous Codon Selection In Exonic Binding Sites
SE Greaves
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Articles 1–8