Helge S. Stein
Cited by
Cited by
Inverse Design of Solid-State Materials via a Continuous Representation
J Noh, J Kim, HS Stein, B Sanchez-Lengeling, JM Gregoire, ...
Matter, 2019
Rechargeable batteries of the future—the state of the art from a BATTERY 2030+ perspective
M Fichtner, K Edström, E Ayerbe, M Berecibar, A Bhowmik, IE Castelli, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (17), 2102904, 2022
Progress and prospects for accelerating materials science with automated and autonomous workflows
HS Stein, JM Gregoire
Chemical Science, 2019
High-throughput, combinatorial synthesis of multimetallic nanoclusters
Y Yao, Z Huang, T Li, H Wang, Y Liu, HS Stein, Y Mao, J Gao, M Jiao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
Benchmarking the Acceleration of Materials Discovery by Sequential Learning
B Rohr, H Stein, D Guevarra, Y Wang, J Haber, M Aykol, S Suram, ...
chemrxiv, 10.26434/chemrxiv.113036, 2019
A roadmap for transforming research to invent the batteries of the future designed within the european large scale research initiative battery 2030+
J Amici, P Asinari, E Ayerbe, P Barboux, P Bayle‐Guillemaud, RJ Behm, ...
Advanced energy materials 12 (17), 2102785, 2022
Rutile alloys in the Mn-Sb-O system stabilize Mn+3 to enable oxygen evolution in strong acid
L Zhou, A Shinde, JH Montoya, A Singh, S Gul, J Yano, Y Ye, EJ Crumlin, ...
ACS Catalysis, 10.1021/acscatal.8b02689, 2018
Machine learning of optical properties of materials - predicting spectra from images and images from spectra
HS Stein, D Guevarra, PF Newhouse, E Soedarmadji, JM Gregoire
Chemical Science, 2018
In‐Situ Electrochemical Electron Microscopy Study of Oxygen Evolution Activity of Doped Manganite Perovskites
S Raabe, D Mierwaldt, J Ciston, M Uijttewaal, H Stein, J Hoffmann, Y Zhu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials, 2012
Accelerated atomic-scale exploration of phase evolution in compositionally complex materials
YJ Li, A Savan, A Kostka, HS Stein, A Ludwig
Materials Horizons 5 (1), 86-92, 2018
High‐throughput experimentation and computational freeway lanes for accelerated battery electrolyte and interface development research
A Benayad, D Diddens, A Heuer, AN Krishnamoorthy, M Maiti, FL Cras, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (17), 2102678, 2022
Analyzing machine learning models to accelerate generation of fundamental materials insights
M Umehara, HS Stein, D Guevarra, PF Newhouse, DA Boyd, JM Gregoire
npj Computational Materials 5, 34, 2019
Enabling modular autonomous feedback‐loops in materials science through hierarchical experimental laboratory automation and orchestration
F Rahmanian, J Flowers, D Guevarra, M Richter, M Fichtner, P Donnely, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (8), 2101987, 2022
Tracking materials science data lineage to manage millions of materials experiments and analyses
E Soedarmadji, HS Stein, SK Suram, D Guevarra, JM Gregoire
npj Coputational Materials 5, 79, 2019
Correlating Oxygen Evolution Catalysts Activity and Electronic Structure by a High-Throughput Investigation of Ni1-y-zFeyCrzOx
C Schwanke, HS Stein, L Xi, K Sliozberg, W Schuhmann, A Ludwig, ...
Scientific Reports 7, 44192, 2017
Fe–Cr–Al containing oxide semiconductors as potential solar water-splitting materials
K Sliozberg, HS Stein, C Khare, BA Parkinson, A Ludwig, W Schuhmann
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (8), 4883-4889, 2015
Implications of the BATTERY 2030+ AI‐assisted toolkit on future low‐TRL battery discoveries and chemistries
A Bhowmik, M Berecibar, M Casas‐Cabanas, G Csanyi, R Dominko, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (17), 2102698, 2022
Combinatorial screening of Pd-based quaternary electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media
J Li, HS Stein, K Sliozberg, J Liu, Y Liu, G Sertic, E Scanley, A Ludwig, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5, 67-72, 2016
Data Management Plans: the Importance of Data Management in the BIG‐MAP Project
IE Castelli, DJ Arismendi‐Arrieta, A Bhowmik, I Cekic‐Laskovic, S Clark, ...
Batteries & Supercaps 4 (12), 1803-1812, 2021
Functional mapping reveals mechanistic clusters for OER catalysis across (Cu-Mn-Ta-Co-Sn-Fe)Ox composition and pH space
HS Stein, D Guevarra, A Shine, R Jones, JM Gregoire, JA Haber
Materials Horizons, 10.1039/C8MH01641K, 2019
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Articles 1–20