Stan Looijmans
Stan Looijmans
Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Cited by
Numerical analysis of the crystallization kinetics in SLS
C Balemans, SFSP Looijmans, G Grosso, MA Hulsen, PD Anderson
Additive Manufacturing 33, 101126, 2020
Shaping and properties of thermoplastic scaffolds in tissue regeneration: The effect of thermal history on polymer crystallization, surface characteristics and cell fate
AR Calore, V Srinivas, S Anand, A Albillos-Sanchez, SFSP Looijmans, ...
Journal of Materials Research 36, 3914-3935, 2021
Anomalous temperature dependence of isotactic polypropylene α-on-β cross-nucleation kinetics
S Looijmans, A Menyhard, GWM Peters, GC Alfonso, D Cavallo
Crystal Growth & Design 17 (9), 4936-4943, 2017
Cross-nucleation between polymorphs: quantitative modeling of kinetics and morphology
SFSP Looijmans, D Cavallo, L Yu, GWM Peters
Crystal growth & design 18 (7), 3921-3926, 2018
Contact mechanics of isotactic polypropylene: Effect of pre-stretch on the frictional response
SFSP Looijmans, PD Anderson, LCA van Breemen
Wear 398, 183-190, 2018
Epitaxy in Polybutene-1 Form II-on-Form I Cross-Nucleation Revealed by Nanofocused X-ray Diffraction on Ad Hoc Morphology
W Wang, B Wang, SFSP Looijmans, E Carmeli, M Rosenthal, G Liu, ...
Macromolecules 54 (20), 9663-9669, 2021
Polarization modulated infrared spectroscopy: A pragmatic tool for polymer science and engineering
SFSP Looijmans, E Carmeli, L Puskar, G Ellis, D Cavallo, PD Anderson, ...
Polymer Crystallization 3 (6), e10138, 2020
Synergy of Fiber Surface Chemistry and Flow: Multi-Phase Transcrystallization in Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics
SFSP Looijmans, MMA Spanjaards, L Puskar, D Cavallo, PD Anderson, ...
Polymers 14 (22), 4850, 2022
Hydrostatic stress as indicator for wear initiation in polymer tribology
SFSP Looijmans, VG de Bie, PD Anderson, LCA van Breemen
Wear 426, 1026-1032, 2019
Contact mechanics of high-density polyethylene: Effect of pre-stretch on the frictional response and the onset of wear
SFSP Looijmans, PD Anderson, LCA van Breemen
Wear 410, 142-148, 2018
Shear-Induced Structure Formation in MAH-g-PP Compatibilized Polypropylenes
SFSP Looijmans, D Cavallo, DH Merino, JC Martinez, PD Anderson, ...
Macromolecules 56 (14), 5278-5289, 2023
The Role of Molar Mass in Achieving Isotropy and Inter-Layer Strength in Mat-Ex Printed Polylactic Acid
A Costanzo, A Poggi, S Looijmans, D Venkatraman, D Sawyer, L Puskar, ...
Polymers 14 (14), 2792, 2022
An experimentally validated model for quiescent multiphase primary and secondary crystallization phenomena in PP with low content of ethylene comonomer
HJM Caelers, A de Cock, SFSP Looijmans, R Kleppinger, EM Troisi, ...
Polymer 253, 124901, 2022
Fluorescent Visualization of Bond Breaking in Polymer Glasses
A Aerts, SFSP Looijmans, LCA van Breemen, RP Sijbesma, JPA Heuts
Macromolecules 56 (11), 4267-4277, 2023
Thermo-mechanically coupled modelling of a single-asperity scratch on an isotropic isotactic polypropylene surface
T Kershah, SFSP Looijmans, PD Anderson, LCA van Breemen
Tribology International 141, 105946, 2020
Temperature dependent two-body abrasive wear of polycarbonate surfaces
T Kershah, SFSP Looijmans, PD Anderson, LCA van Breemen
Wear 440, 203089, 2019
Fiber-Induced Crystallization in Elongational Flows
PMH van Heugten, SFSP Looijmans, FPA van Berlo, M Rosenthal, ...
Macromolecules, 2024
Deformation kinetics of single-fiber polypropylene composites: Adhesion improvement at the expense of toughness
SFSP Looijmans, H Ahmadi, PD Anderson, LCA van Breemen
Polymer 286, 126374, 2023
Adhesion-modified polypropylene composites: a sticky situation
S Looijmans
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Articles 1–19