Professor Peter Han Joo Chong
Professor Peter Han Joo Chong
Associate Head of School (Research), Auckland University of Technology
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Cited by
A survey of clustering schemes for mobile ad hoc networks
JY Yu, PHJ Chong
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 7 (1), 32-48, 2005
Precise two‐photon photodynamic therapy using an efficient photosensitizer with aggregation‐induced emission characteristics
B Gu, W Wu, G Xu, G Feng, F Yin, PHJ Chong, J Qu, KT Yong, B Liu
Advanced Materials 29 (28), 1701076, 2017
Visible light communication: A system perspective—Overview and challenges
SU Rehman, S Ullah, PHJ Chong, S Yongchareon, D Komosny
Sensors 19 (5), 1153, 2019
Broadband wide‐angle multifunctional polarization converter via liquid‐metal‐based metasurface
PC Wu, W Zhu, ZX Shen, PHJ Chong, W Ser, DP Tsai, AQ Liu
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (7), 1600938, 2017
Modeling and performance analysis of clustered device-to-device networks
M Afshang, HS Dhillon, PHJ Chong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (7), 4957-4972, 2016
A comprehensive study of IoT and WSN MAC protocols: Research issues, challenges and opportunities
A Kumar, M Zhao, KJ Wong, YL Guan, PHJ Chong
IEEE Access 6, 76228-76262, 2018
Multihop cellular networks: Technology and economics
XJ Li, BC Seet, PHJ Chong
Computer Networks 52 (9), 1825-1837, 2008
Fundamentals of cluster-centric content placement in cache-enabled device-to-device networks
M Afshang, HS Dhillon, PHJ Chong
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (6), 2511-2526, 2016
3hbac (3-hop between adjacent clusterheads): a novel non-overlapping clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks
JY Yu, PHJ Chong
2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications Computers and Signal …, 2003
Design and implementation of Bluetooth energy meter
BS Koay, SS Cheah, YH Sng, PHJ Chong, P Shum, YC Tong, XY Wang, ...
Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal …, 2003
Water‐resonator‐based metasurface: an ultrabroadband and near‐unity absorption
Q Song, W Zhang, PC Wu, W Zhu, ZX Shen, PHJ Chong, QX Liang, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (8), 1601103, 2017
Sensor technologies for fall detection systems: A review
A Singh, SU Rehman, S Yongchareon, PHJ Chong
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (13), 6889-6919, 2020
Poisson hole process: Theory and applications to wireless networks
Z Yazdanshenasan, HS Dhillon, M Afshang, PHJ Chong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (11), 7531-7546, 2016
An energy-efficient region-based RPL routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks
M Zhao, IWH Ho, PHJ Chong
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (6), 1319-1333, 2016
An evolutionary self-cooperative trust scheme against routing disruptions in MANETs
RJ Cai, XJ Li, PHJ Chong
IEEE transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (1), 42-55, 2018
Efficient data dissemination in cooperative multi-RSU vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)
GGMN Ali, PHJ Chong, SK Samantha, E Chan
Journal of Systems and Software 117, 508-527, 2016
Feeling positive about reopening? New normal scenarios from COVID-19 US reopen sentiment analytics
J Samuel, MM Rahman, GGMN Ali, Y Samuel, A Pelaez, PHJ Chong, ...
Ieee Access 8, 142173-142190, 2020
Multi-resident non-contact vital sign monitoring using radar: A review
A Singh, SU Rehman, S Yongchareon, PHJ Chong
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (4), 4061-4084, 2020
Location-based routing protocols for wireless sensor networks: A survey
A Kumar, HY Shwe, KJ Wong, PHJ Chong
Wireless Sensor Network 9 (1), 25-72, 2017
Forecasting spread of COVID-19 using google trends: A hybrid GWO-deep learning approach
S Prasanth, U Singh, A Kumar, VA Tikkiwal, PHJ Chong
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 142, 110336, 2021
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Articles 1–20