Michael A McGuire
Cited by
Cited by
Layer-dependent ferromagnetism in a van der Waals crystal down to the monolayer limit
B Huang, G Clark, E Navarro-Moratalla, DR Klein, R Cheng, KL Seyler, ...
Nature 546 (7657), 270-273, 2017
Superconductivity at 22 K in Co-doped BaFe2As2 crystals
AS Sefat, R Jin, MA McGuire, BC Sales, DJ Singh, D Mandrus
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 117004, 2008
Electrical control of 2D magnetism in bilayer CrI3
B Huang, G Clark, DR Klein, D MacNeill, E Navarro-Moratalla, KL Seyler, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (7), 544-548, 2018
Giant tunneling magnetoresistance in spin-filter van der Waals heterostructures
T Song, X Cai, MWY Tu, X Zhang, B Huang, NP Wilson, KL Seyler, L Zhu, ...
Science 360 (6394), 1214-1218, 2018
Coupling of Crystal Structure and Magnetism in the Layered, Ferromagnetic Insulator CrI3
MA McGuire, H Dixit, VR Cooper, BC Sales
Chemistry of Materials 27 (2), 612-620, 2015
Van der Waals engineering of ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructures for spin and valleytronics
D Zhong, KL Seyler, X Linpeng, R Cheng, N Sivadas, B Huang, ...
Science advances 3 (5), e1603113, 2017
Giant anharmonic phonon scattering in PbTe
O Delaire, J Ma, K Marty, AF May, MA McGuire, MH Du, DJ Singh, ...
Nature materials 10 (8), 614-619, 2011
Two-band superconductivity in LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 at very high magnetic fields
F Hunte, J Jaroszynski, A Gurevich, DC Larbalestier, R Jin, AS Sefat, ...
nature 453 (7197), 903-905, 2008
Bulk superconductivity at 14 K in single crystals of
BC Sales, AS Sefat, MA McGuire, RY Jin, D Mandrus, Y Mozharivskyj
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (9), 094521, 2009
Switching 2D magnetic states via pressure tuning of layer stacking
T Song, Z Fei, M Yankowitz, Z Lin, Q Jiang, K Hwangbo, Q Zhang, B Sun, ...
Nature materials 18 (12), 1298-1302, 2019
Giant nonreciprocal second-harmonic generation from antiferromagnetic bilayer CrI3
Z Sun, Y Yi, T Song, G Clark, B Huang, Y Shan, S Wu, D Huang, C Gao, ...
Nature 572 (7770), 497-501, 2019
Crystal and magnetic structures in layered, transition metal dihalides and trihalides
MA McGuire
Crystals 7 (5), 121, 2017
Effects of nematic fluctuations on the elastic properties of iron arsenide superconductors
RM Fernandes, LH VanBebber, S Bhattacharya, P Chandra, V Keppens, ...
Physical review letters 105 (15), 157003, 2010
Small anisotropy, weak thermal fluctuations, and high field superconductivity in Co-doped iron pnictide Ba (Fe1− xCox) 2As2
A Yamamoto, J Jaroszynski, C Tarantini, L Balicas, J Jiang, A Gurevich, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (6), 2009
Ferromagnetism Near Room Temperature in the Cleavable van der Waals Crystal Fe5GeTe2
AF May, D Ovchinnikov, Q Zheng, R Hermann, S Calder, B Huang, Z Fei, ...
ACS nano 13 (4), 4436-4442, 2019
Superconductivity in
AS Sefat, A Huq, MA McGuire, R Jin, BC Sales, D Mandrus, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (10), 104505, 2008
Phase transitions in LaFeAsO: Structural, magnetic, elastic, and transport properties, heat capacity and Mössbauer spectra
MA McGuire, AD Christianson, AS Sefat, BC Sales, MD Lumsden, R Jin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (9), 094517, 2008
Ligand-field helical luminescence in a 2D ferromagnetic insulator
KL Seyler, D Zhong, DR Klein, S Gao, X Zhang, B Huang, ...
Nature Physics 14 (3), 277-281, 2018
Two-dimensional resonant magnetic excitation in
MD Lumsden, AD Christianson, D Parshall, MB Stone, SE Nagler, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (10), 107005, 2009
Metal thio‐and selenophosphates as multifunctional van der Waals layered materials
MA Susner, M Chyasnavichyus, MA McGuire, P Ganesh, P Maksymovych
Advanced Materials 29 (38), 1602852, 2017
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Articles 1–20