luca fabietti
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Cited by
Implementation of a scenario-based mpc for hvac systems: an experimental case study
A Parisio, D Varagnolo, M Molinari, G Pattarello, L Fabietti, KH Johansson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 599-605, 2014
Experimental implementation of frequency regulation services using commercial buildings
L Fabietti, TT Gorecki, FA Qureshi, A Bitlislioğlu, I Lymperopoulos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (3), 1657-1666, 2016
Control of HVAC systems via scenario-based explicit MPC
A Parisio, L Fabietti, M Molinari, D Varagnolo, KH Johansson
53rd IEEE conference on decision and control, 5201-5207, 2014
Experimental demonstration of buildings providing frequency regulation services in the Swiss market
TT Gorecki, L Fabietti, FA Qureshi, CN Jones
Energy and Buildings 144, 229-240, 2017
An admm-based coordination and control strategy for pv and storage to dispatch stochastic prosumers: Theory and experimental validation
R Gupta, F Sossan, E Scolari, E Namor, L Fabietti, C Jones, M Paolone
2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-7, 2018
Enhancing the dispatchability of distribution networks through utility-scale batteries and flexible demand
L Fabietti, TT Gorecki, E Namor, F Sossan, M Paolone, CN Jones
Energy and Buildings 172, 125-138, 2018
Multi-time scale coordination of complementary resources for the provision of ancillary services
L Fabietti, FA Qureshi, TT Gorecki, C Salzmann, CN Jones
Applied energy 229, 1164-1180, 2018
Dispatching active distribution networks through electrochemical storage systems and demand side management
L Fabietti, TT Gorecki, E Namor, F Sossan, M Paolone, CN Jones
2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1241-1247, 2017
Stochastic MPC for controlling the average constraint violation of periodic linear systems with additive disturbances
L Fabietti, CN Jones
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 5395-5400, 2016
System and method for operating a combination of heterogeneous energy resources for fast grid services
C Jones, I Lymperopoulos, T Gorecki, L Fabietti, F Qureshi
Model-based predictive control methods for distributed energy resources in smart grids.
L Fabietti
EPFL, 2019
Studio in ambiente Matlab/Simulink del sistema di controllo di sospensione attive automobilistiche
L Fabietti
A Alessandretti, JP Allamaa, M Amrhein, J Billeter, A Bitlislioglu, ...
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Articles 1–13