Felipe Thomaz
Felipe Thomaz
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Blame the bot: Anthropomorphism and anger in customer–chatbot interactions
C Crolic, F Thomaz, R Hadi, AT Stephen
Journal of Marketing 86 (1), 132-148, 2022
Learning from the Dark Web: leveraging conversational agents in the era of hyper-privacy to enhance marketing
F Thomaz, C Salge, E Karahanna, J Hulland
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48, 43-63, 2020
How consumer digital signals are reshaping the customer journey
DA Schweidel, Y Bart, JJ Inman, AT Stephen, B Libai, M Andrews, ...
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 50 (6), 1257-1276, 2022
How achieving the dual goal of customer satisfaction and efficiency in mergers affects a firm’s long-term financial performance
V Swaminathan, C Groening, V Mittal, F Thomaz
Journal of Service Research 17 (2), 182-194, 2014
What goes around comes around: The impact of marketing alliances on firm risk and the moderating role of network density
F Thomaz, V Swaminathan
Journal of Marketing 79 (5), 63-79, 2015
Characterising the links between the trade in donkey skins for traditional Chinese medicine and timber of conservation concern
S Su, EA Macdonald, N Arcilla, M Beseng, F Thomaz, DW Macdonald
Global Ecology and Conservation 46, e02598, 2023
The digital and physical footprint of dark net markets
F Thomaz
Journal of International Marketing 28 (1), 66-80, 2020
The link between wildlife trade and the global donkey skin product network
S Su, EA Macdonald, M Beseng, F Thomaz, DW Macdonald
Conservation Science and Practice 4 (6), e12676, 2022
Ethics for AI in Business
F Thomaz, N Efremova, F Mazzi, G Clark, E MacDonald, R Hadi, JJ Bell, ...
Available at SSRN 3871867, 2021
Understanding consumer attention on mobile devices
N Efremova, N Hajimirza, D Bassett, F Thomaz
2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture …, 2020
Comparing the principal eigenvector of a hypergraph and its shadows
GJ Clark, F Thomaz, AT Stephen
Linear Algebra and its Applications 673, 46-68, 2023
Ad Net Zero: Conceptual Framework for Integrating Advertising and Advertised Emissions
F Thomaz
Available at SSRN 4337355, 2023
Ghosts in the dark: How to prepare for times of hyper-privacy
F Thomaz
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 13 (1), 36-41, 2021
What Goes Around Comes Around: Spreading Risk Through Strategic Alliances in Highly Embedded Networks
F Thomaz, V Swaminathan
Journal of Marketing 79 (5), 63-79, 2015
Using social media monitoring data to forecast online word of mouth valence: A network-based perspective
F Thomaz, AT Stephen, V Swaminathan
Available at SSRN 2288062, 2013
EXPRESS: Beyond the Pair: Media Archetypes and Complex Channel Synergies in Advertising
JJ Bell, F Thomaz, AT Stephen
Journal of Marketing, 00222429241302808, 2024
Beyond the pair: media archetypes and complex channel synergies in advertising
JJ Bell, F Thomaz, AT Stephen
Journal of Marketing, 2024
On the Effect of Data Dimensionality on Eigenvector Centrality
GJ Clark, F Thomaz, A Stephen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.12034, 2022
No Silver Bullet: Cross-Media Complementarity
JJ Bell, F Thomaz, AT Stephen
Available at SSRN 3836621, 2021
The Machine Age of Consumer Research: How Robot-Based Expression Modalities Alter Perception and Choice
J Schroeder, N Epley, N Castelo, B Schmitt, M Sarvary, A Bergner, ...
Advances in Consumer Research 47, 2019
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Articles 1–20