Dharmendra Dhakal
Dharmendra Dhakal
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Causal analyses between exports and economic growth in developing countries
SC Sharma, D Dhakal
Applied Economics 26 (12), 1145-1157, 1994
Causality between the money supply and share prices: a VAR investigation
D Dhakal, M Kandil, SC Sharma
Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 52-74, 1993
Foreign aid, FDI and economic growth in East European countries
KP Upadhyaya, G Pradhal, D Dhakal, R Bhandari
Exchange rate volatility and foreign direct investment: Evidence from East Asian countries
D Dhakal, R Nag, G Pradhan, KP Upadhyaya
International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 9 (7), 2010
Devaluation and the trade balance: estimating the long run effect
KP Upadhyaya, D Dhakal
Applied Economics Letters 4 (6), 343-345, 1997
Foreign direct investment and transition economies: empirical evidence from a panel data estimator
K Upadhyaya
Determinants of private saving in South Asia
R Bhandari, D Dhakal, G Pradhan, KP Upadhyaya
South Asia economic journal 8 (2), 205-217, 2007
Determinants of the Inflation rate in the United States: A VAR Investigation
D Dhakal, M Kandil, SC Sharma, PB Trescott
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 34 (1), 95-112, 1994
Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Asia
MS Rahman, D Dhakal, KP Upadhyaya
Indian Journal of Economics and Business 6 (1), 15, 2007
The inflationary experiences of six developing countries in Asia: An investigation of underlying determinants
D Dhakal, M Kandil
Applied Economics 25 (3), 413-425, 1993
Foreign aid, economic growth, and causality
D Dhakal, KP Upadhyaya, MP Upadhyay
Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali 43, 597-606, 1996
Exchange rate volatility and exports: Some new estimates from the Asean-5
KP Upadhyaya, D Dhakal, FG Mixon Jr
The Journal of Developing Areas 54 (1), 2020
Exports and Japanese economic development
R Grabowski, SC Sharma, D Dhakal
Economics Letters 32 (2), 127-132, 1990
The effect of education in Nepal's traditional agriculture
D Dhakal, R Grabowski, K Belbase
Economics of Education Review 6 (1), 27-34, 1987
Exchange rate adjustment and output in selected Latin American countries
KP Upadhyaya, D Dhakal, FG Mixon
Economia Internazionale/International Economics 53 (1), 107-117, 2000
Nepal and Bhutan: economic growth in two Shangri‐Las
D Dhakal, G Pradhan, KP Upadhyaya
International Journal of Social Economics 36 (1/2), 124-137, 2009
“Another Empirical Look at the Theory of Overlapping Demands-Un altro sguardo empirico alla teoria delle overlapping demands
D Dhakal, G Pradhan, KP Upadhyaya
Economia Internazionale/International Economics 64 (1), 103-113, 2011
Do devaluations improve trade balances? Evidence from four South Asian countries
KP Upadhyaya, F G. Mixon, D Dhakal
The Indian Economic Journal 46 (3), 91-97, 1999
Housing prices, stock prices and the US economy
KP Upadhyaya, D Dhakal, FG Mixon Jr
Applied Economics 49 (59), 5916-5922, 2017
The role of savings in economic development the US and Japanese experiences
D Dhakal, R Grabowski, MP Shields
Japan and the World Economy 3 (4), 331-340, 1992
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Articles 1–20