Brett M Taylor
Brett M Taylor
Assistant Professor | University of Guam Sea Grant & Marine Laboratory
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Life histories predict vulnerability to overexploitation in parrotfishes
BM Taylor, P Houk, GR Russ, JH Choat
Coral Reefs 33, 869-878, 2014
Hierarchical and scale‐dependent effects of fishing pressure and environment on the structure and size distribution of parrotfish communities
BM Taylor, SJ Lindfield, JH Choat
Ecography 38 (5), 520-530, 2015
Comparative demography of commercially important parrotfish species from Micronesia
BM Taylor, JH Choat
Journal of fish biology 84 (2), 383-402, 2014
Review of the life history characteristics, ecology and fisheries for deep-water tropical demersal fish in the Indo-Pacific region
SJ Newman, AJ Williams, CB Wakefield, SJ Nicol, BM Taylor, JM O’Malley
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26, 537-562, 2016
Detailed demographic analysis of an Epinephelus polyphekadion spawning aggregation and fishery
KL Rhodes, BM Taylor, JL McIlwain
Marine Ecology Progress Series 421, 183-198, 2011
Beyond abundance and biomass: effects of marine protected areas on the demography of a highly exploited reef fish
BM Taylor, JL McIlwain
Marine Ecology Progress Series 411, 243-258, 2010
A review of a decade of lessons from one of the world’s largest MPAs: conservation gains and key challenges
GC Hays, HJ Koldewey, S Andrzejaczek, MJ Attrill, S Barley, DTI Bayley, ...
Marine Biology 167, 1-22, 2020
The Micronesia Challenge: assessing the relative contribution of stressors on coral reefs to facilitate science-to-management feedback
P Houk, R Camacho, S Johnson, M McLean, S Maxin, J Anson, E Joseph, ...
PlOS one 10 (6), e0130823, 2015
Drivers of protogynous sex change differ across spatial scales
BM Taylor
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1775), 20132423, 2014
Synchronous biological feedbacks in parrotfishes associated with pantropical coral bleaching
BM Taylor, CE Benkwitt, H Choat, KD Clements, NAJ Graham, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (3), 1285-1294, 2020
Demographic plasticity facilitates ecological and economic resilience in a commercially important reef fish
BM Taylor, JH Choat, EE DeMartini, AS Hoey, A Marshell, MA Priest, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (12), 1888-1900, 2019
Modelling and mapping regional‐scale patterns of fishing impact and fish stocks to support coral‐reef management in Micronesia
AR Harborne, AL Green, NA Peterson, M Beger, Y Golbuu, P Houk, ...
Diversity and Distributions 24 (12), 1729-1743, 2018
Ageing bias and precision for deep-water snappers: evaluating nascent otolith preparation methods using novel multivariate comparisons among readers and growth parameter estimates
CB Wakefield, JM O’Malley, AJ Williams, BM Taylor, RS Nichols, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (1), 193-203, 2017
Revisiting the paradigm of shark‐driven trophic cascades in coral reef ecosystems
AA Desbiens, G Roff, WD Robbins, BM Taylor, C Castro‐Sanguino, ...
Ecology 102 (4), e03303, 2021
Age‐based demographic and reproductive assessment of orangespine Naso lituratus and bluespine Naso unicornis unicornfishes
BM Taylor, KL Rhodes, A Marshell, JL McIlwain
Journal of Fish Biology 85 (3), 901-916, 2014
Movement and spawning migration patterns suggest small marine reserves can offer adequate protection for exploited emperorfishes
BM Taylor, JS Mills
Coral reefs 32, 1077-1087, 2013
Age and growth of bluespine unicornfish (Naso unicornis): a half-century life-span for a keystone browser, with a novel approach to bomb radiocarbon dating in the …
AH Andrews, EE DeMartini, JA Eble, BM Taylor, DC Lou, RL Humphreys
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (10), 1575-1586, 2016
Diversity and structure of parrotfish assemblages across the northern Great Barrier Reef
GB Johnson, BM Taylor, WD Robbins, EC Franklin, R Toonen, B Bowen, ...
Diversity 11 (1), 14, 2019
A bridge too far: dispersal barriers and cryptic speciation in an Arabian Peninsula grouper (Cephalopholis hemistiktos)
MA Priest, JD DiBattista, JL McIlwain, BM Taylor, NE Hussey, ...
Journal of Biogeography 43 (4), 820-832, 2016
Asymptotic growth of whale sharks suggests sex-specific life-history strategies
MG Meekan, BM Taylor, E Lester, LC Ferreira, AMM Sequeira, ADM Dove, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 575683, 2020
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