Bill Breed
Bill Breed
School of Biological Sciences & Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide
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Cited by
Exceptional sperm cooperation in the wood mouse
H Moore, K Dvoráková, N Jenkins, W Breed
Nature 418 (6894), 174-177, 2002
By hook or by crook? Morphometry, competition and cooperation in rodent sperm
S Immler, HDM Moore, WG Breed, TR Birkhead
PLoS one 2 (1), e170, 2007
Native mice and rats
B Breed, F Ford
Protamine mediated condensation of DNA in mammalian sperm
R Balhorn, M Cosman, K Thornton, V Krishnan, M Corzett, G Bench, ...
Cache River Press, 1999
Anatomy, vasculature, and innervation of the male reproductive tract
B Setchell, W Breed
Elsevier, 2006
Body mass, testes mass, and sperm size in murine rodents
WG Breed, J Taylor
Journal of Mammalogy 81 (3), 758-768, 2000
Why so many mammalian spermatozoa-a clue from marsupials?
JM Bedford, JC Rodger, WG Breed
Proceedings of the Royal society of London. Series B. Biological sciences …, 1984
Ovulation in the Genus Microtus
WG Breed
Nature 214 (5090), 826-826, 1967
The spermatozoon of Eurasian murine rodents: its morphological diversity and evolution
WG Breed
Journal of morphology 261 (1), 52-69, 2004
Regulated Storage and Subsequent Transformation of Spermatozoa in the Fallopian Tubes of an Australian Marsupial, Sminthopsis Crassicaudata
JM Bedford, WG Breed
Biology of Reproduction 50 (4), 845-854, 1994
Mechanism of sperm-zona pellucida penetration during mammalian fertilization: 26S proteasome as a candidate egg coat lysin
Y Yi, G Manandhar, RJ Oko, WG Breed, P Sutovsky
Society of Reproduction and Fertility supplement 63, 385, 2007
Changes in distribution of labile zinc in mouse spermatozoa during maturation in the epididymis assessed by the fluorophore Zinquin
PD Zalewski, X Jian, LL Soon, WG Breed, RF Seamark, SF Lincoln, ...
Reproduction, fertility and development 8 (7), 1097-1105, 1996
The Harderian gland, its secretory duct and porphyrin content in the Plains mouse (Pseudomys australis).
HS Johnston, J McGadey, GG Thompson, MR Moore, WG Breed, ...
Journal of anatomy 140 (Pt 2), 337, 1985
Morphological changes in the oocyte and its surrounding vestments during in vivo fertilization in the dasyurid marsupial sminthopsis crassicaudata
WG Breed, CM Leigh
Journal of Morphology 204 (2), 177-196, 1990
Sperm morphology and storage in the female reproductive tract of the fat‐tailed dunnart, Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae)
WG Breed, CM Leigh, JH Bennett
Gamete research 23 (1), 61-75, 1989
Localization of actin in the sperm head of the plains mouse, Pseudomys australis
SP Flaherty, WG Breed, V Sarafis
Journal of Experimental Zoology 225 (3), 497-500, 1983
Evolution of the spermatozoon in muroid rodents
WG Breed
Journal of Morphology 265 (3), 271-290, 2005
Effect of cooling and cryopreservation on sperm motility and morphology of several species of marsupial
DA Taggart, CM Leigh, VR Steele, WG Breed, PD Temple-Smith, J Phelan
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 8 (4), 673-679, 1996
A comparative study of sperm production in two species of Australian arid zone rodents (Pseudomys australis, Notomys alexis) with marked differences in testis size
EJ Peirce, WG Breed
REPRODUCTION-CAMBRIDGE- 121 (2), 239-247, 2001
Reproductive and Genetic-Studies With a Laboratory Colony of the Dasyurid Marsupial Sminthopsis-Crassicaudata
JH Bennett, WG Breed, DL Hayman, RM Hope
Australian Journal of Zoology 37 (3), 207-222, 1989
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Articles 1–20