Jikke van Wijnen
Jikke van Wijnen
UD Environmental Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands
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Modelling global river export of microplastics to the marine environment: Sources and future trends
J van Wijnen, AMJ Ragas, C Kroeze
Science of the Total Environment 673, 392-401, 2019
Urbanization: an increasing source of multiple pollutants to rivers in the 21st century
M Strokal, Z Bai, W Franssen, N Hofstra, AA Koelmans, F Ludwig, L Ma, ...
npj Urban sustainability 1 (1), 1-13, 2021
Global multi-pollutant modelling of water quality: scientific challenges and future directions
M Strokal, JE Spanier, C Kroeze, AA Koelmans, M Flörke, W Franssen, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 36, 116-125, 2019
River export of macro-and microplastics to seas by sources worldwide
M Strokal, P Vriend, MP Bak, C Kroeze, J van Wijnen, T van Emmerik
Nature Communications 14 (1), 4842, 2023
Global modelling of surface water quality: a multi-pollutant approach
C Kroeze, S Gabbert, N Hofstra, AA Koelmans, A Li, A Löhr, F Ludwig, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 23, 35-45, 2016
Models for assessing engineered nanomaterial fate and behaviour in the aquatic environment
RJ Williams, S Harrison, V Keller, J Kuenen, S Lofts, A Praetorius, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 36, 105-115, 2019
River export of triclosan from land to sea: a global modelling approach
J van Wijnen, AMJ Ragas, C Kroeze
Science of the Total Environment 621, 1280-1288, 2018
The links between global carbon, water and nutrient cycles in an urbanizing world—the case of coastal eutrophication
C Kroeze, N Hofstra, W Ivens, A Löhr, M Strokal, J van Wijnen
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (6), 566-572, 2013
Modeling global N2O emissions from aquatic systems
WPMF Ivens, DJJ Tysmans, C Kroeze, AJ Löhr, J van Wijnen
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 3 (5), 350-358, 2011
Future microplastics in the Black Sea: River exports and reduction options for zero pollution
V Strokal, EJ Kuiper, MP Bak, P Vriend, M Wang, J van Wijnen, M Strokal
Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113633, 2022
Coastal eutrophication in Europe caused by production of energy crops
J van Wijnen, WPMF Ivens, C Kroeze, AJ Löhr
Science of the Total Environment 511, 101-111, 2015
Soil contamination with PCDDs and PCDFs of small (illegal) scrap wire and scrap car incineration sites
JH Van Wijnen, AKD Liem, K Olie, JA Van Zorge
Chemosphere 24 (2), 127-134, 1992
Breast milk, dioxins and the possible effects on the health of newborn infants
JG Koppe, HJ Pluim, K Olie, J Van Wijnen
Science of the total environment 106 (1-2), 33-41, 1991
Placental transport of dioxins from mother to fetus
JG Koppe, K Olie, J Van Wijnen
Developmental pharmacology and therapeutics 18 (1-2), 9-13, 1992
Spatial and temporal variability of nutrient retention in river basins: a global inventory
DJJ Tysmans, AJ Löhr, C Kroeze, WPMF Ivens, J van Wijnen
Ecological indicators 34, 607-615, 2013
Placental transport of PCDDs and PCDFs in humans
J Van Wijnen, B Van Bavel, G Lindström, JG Koppe, K Olie
Organohalogen Compd 1, 47-50, 1990
Selective retention of toxic polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in the liver of the rat after intravenous administration of a mixture
M Van den Berg, J Van Wijnen, H Wever, W Seinen
Toxicology 55 (1-2), 173-182, 1989
The plastic age: river pollution in china from crop production and urbanization
Y Li, Q Zhang, J Baartman, J van Wijnen, N Beriot, C Kroeze, M Wang, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (32), 12019-12032, 2023
Some pharmacokinetic aspects of PCDDs and PCDFs in mammals after administration of a fly ash extract from a municipal incinerator
M van den Berg, C Heeremans, L Meerman, E Veenhoven, J van Wijnen, ...
Chemosphere 15 (9-12), 1477-1487, 1986
Dioxinen en planaire PCB’s in voeding
AKD Liem, RMC Theelen, W Slob, JH Van Wijnen
Gehalten in voedingsprodukten en inname door de Nederlandse bevolking. Report, 1991
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Articles 1–20