SPECIFIC, College of Engineering Swansea University, Baglan Bay Innovation and Knowledge Centre
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Cited by
An efficient,“burn in” free organic solar cell employing a nonfullerene electron acceptor
H Cha, J Wu, A Wadsworth, J Nagitta, S Limbu, S Pont, Z Li, J Searle, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (33), 1701156, 2017
The role of fullerenes in the environmental stability of polymer: fullerene solar cells
HKH Lee, AM Telford, JA Röhr, MF Wyatt, B Rice, J Wu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (2), 417-428, 2018
The state-of-the-art of sensors and environmental monitoring technologies in buildings
H Hayat, T Griffiths, D Brennan, RP Lewis, M Barclay, C Weirman, B Philip, ...
Sensors 19 (17), 3648, 2019
Perovskite solar cells in NIP structure with four slot-die-coated layers
D Burkitt, J Searle, T Watson
Royal Society Open Science 5 (5), 172158, 2018
Homogeneous and highly controlled deposition of low viscosity inks and application on fully printable perovskite solar cells
SMP Meroni, Y Mouhamad, F De Rossi, A Pockett, J Baker, R Escalante, ...
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 19 (1), 1-9, 2018
Photoactivity test for TiO2 pigment photocatalysed polymer degradation
DA Worsley, JR Searle
Materials science and technology 18 (6), 681-684, 2002
Characterising the discharge cycle of CaCl2 and LiNO3 hydrated salts within a vermiculite composite scaffold for thermochemical storage
RJ Sutton, E Jewell, J Elvins, JR Searle, P Jones
Energy and Buildings 162, 109-120, 2018
The effect of microstructural refinement on the localized corrosion of model Zn-Al-Mg alloy coatings on steel
N Wint, N Cooze, JR Searle, JH Sullivan, G Williams, HN McMurray, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (11), C3147, 2019
The role of niobium carbides in the localised corrosion initiation of 20Cr-25Ni-Nb advanced gas-cooled reactor fuel cladding
RN Clark, J Searle, TL Martin, WS Walters, G Williams
Corrosion Science 165, 108365, 2020
Efficient and semi-transparent perovskite solar cells using a room-temperature processed MoO x/ITO/Ag/ITO electrode
Z Wei, B Smith, F De Rossi, JR Searle, DA Worsley, TM Watson
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (35), 10981-10987, 2019
Fuzzy predictor with additive learning for very short-term PV power generation
M Monfared, M Fazeli, R Lewis, J Searle
Ieee Access 7, 91183-91192, 2019
The kinetics and mechanism of filiform corrosion occurring on zinc-aluminium-magnesium coated steel
N Wint, D Eaves, E Michailidou, A Bennett, JR Searle, G Williams, ...
Corrosion Science 158, 108073, 2019
Forecast-based energy management for domestic PV-battery systems: A UK case study
A Sorour, M Fazeli, M Monfared, AA Fahmy, JR Searle, RP Lewis
Ieee Access 9, 58953-58965, 2021
Understanding the global warming potential of circular design strategies: Life cycle assessment of a design-for-disassembly building
M Roberts, S Allen, J Clarke, J Searle, D Coley
Sustainable Production and Consumption 37, 331-343, 2023
Novel flat panel reactor for monitoring photodegradation
AJ Robinson, JR Searle, DA Worsley
Materials science and technology 20 (8), 1041-1048, 2004
Active building demonstrators for a low-carbon future
J Clarke, J Searle
Nature Energy 6 (12), 1087-1089, 2021
Effect of probe tip inclination on the response of the scanning vibrating electrode technique to an idealised pit-like feature
BP Wilson, JR Searle, K Yliniemi, DA Worsley, HN McMurray
Electrochimica Acta 66, 52-60, 2012
A Multi-Criteria decision making (MCDM) methodology for high temperature thermochemical storage material selection using graph theory and matrix approach
S Hosouli, J Elvins, J Searle, S Boudjabeur, J Bowyer, E Jewell
Materials & Design 227, 111685, 2023
Biopolymeric anticorrosion coatings from cellulose nanofibrils and colloidal lignin particles
A Dastpak, P Ansell, JR Searle, M Lundstrom, BP Wilson
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (34), 41034-41045, 2021
Discharge performance of blended salt in matrix materials for low enthalpy thermochemical storage
R Sutton, E Jewell, J Searle, J Elvins
Applied Thermal Engineering 145, 483-493, 2018
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Articles 1–20